Fedrick: REMADE
5 years ago

Taking a break for awhile...

I'm just going right into it.
My final exam is coming in about 2 plus months and since I want to have a good score to go to a good school, I'm mainly going to study for this period of time. Get disappointed at me, or something but it's really important to me. Note that it doesn't mean I can't go on the computer, so I can still somewhat work on the game. I'll keep you updated when I get over this exam.


Thanks for 31 followers on this game :)



Next up

Fedrick's model so far, watcha think? Might not post much as it's exam period oof

I drew Elsa again :) This time digitally :D Tell me where's your favourite part and your least favourite part of the drawing, ty

Total time taken: 12h

Challenge 4: 2nd submission! Just a regular wolf :)

See more below...

Hii, I drew Supergirl because why not? S4 is on Netflix now and I've already finished it so..

Challenge 3:

(First challenge I’ve done and I rushed :T)

Challenge #4: My OC :) (Werewolf, I might do a wolf one)

Just some casual fanart for @FuriousWarrior11 ...

2 June, 2020

Model update, arms are almost finished, starting on the legs now! :D