Mike Johnson: Hey.
Richard Mason: Hey Mike, what's good?
*followed her scent*
Mike Johnson: I need your help can you come here?
Richard Mason: I can't, I'm buying bullet's.
Mike Johnson: Aight, if you need help then come over here.
Richard Mason: I can't find them.
Mike Johnson: What do you mean you can find them?
Richard Mason: I can't find them, there's only weapons.
*gets jumpscare by Takwa*
Mike Johnson: Ugh, what do you mean there's only weapons?
Richard Mason: It means there's only weapons right here.
Mike Johnson: Then get the fucking weapons!
*she hears it and so loud and she's ambush him*
Richard Mason: Alright geez you don't have to shout at me...
*looks to find the weapons*
*he saw it and shoots her*
Richard Mason: There's more weapons!
Mike Johnson: What do you mean there's more weapons!?
*shoots her two times after chasing*
Richard Mason: There's just more weapons!!
*hides in the trees*
Mike Johnson: Go to the next aisle.
*looks again*
*she ripped his right arm*
Richard Mason: There's still weapons!
Mike Johnson: Ouch!
Mike Johnson: Where are you right now, dude!??
Richard Mason: I'm at the weapons!!
Mike Johnson: What do you mean you're at weapons!?
*meanwhile with her*
Takwa.MPEG: Man, what are these guys arguing, doesn't matter.
Richard Mason: I mean, I'm at weapons!!!
*gets a motolov cocktail*
Mike Johnson: What's store are you in!!!?
Richard Mason: I'm at the gun and weapon shop!!
Mike Johnson: Why in the fuck are you buying gun's in the gun store, I'm dying before an argume-
*she caught him*
Takwa.MPEG: Caught you. ^w^
Richard Mason: Fuck off!!
*hangs up*
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