9 days ago

Talk about a Nintendo Direct huh?

[Goes without saying, but SPOILERS AHEAD!]

Welcome back to another episode of Thoughts with Fruppet! I'm your host... Steve the Ghost. Nah just kidding, it's me Fruppet. Lets get straight into it today with everyone's favourite event of the year, the Nintendo Direct!

Also, I'm only gonna cover the stuff that probably relates to most of us here, AKA the Mario games and some of the other big titles, not some of the smaller stuff.


Mario & Luigi: Brothership

So, the Mario and Luigi franchise is back and HOLY HELL IT LOOKS INCREDIBLE! Look at Mario's face above, he looks derpy as hell and I love it. I'm not gonna talk too much about the game yet cause we barely know anything about it, but I have to say, it seems like this game is looking to go in a different direction to Paper Jam. Theres new characters, an improved combat system and the UI looks incredible! I also gotta say that the 3 mini Bads, known as the Extension Corps, look cool too! Their like plug stuff. Literally.


ALSO LOOK AT THIS GUY, HE LOOKS AWESOME AS HELL! 100% gonna try making some fan art of this guy when I get the chance. Oh, and before I forget... yes... Bowser is in the game. I know, big shocker.

Game comes out this November though which is pretty cool!


Donkey Kong Country Returns: HD

Donkey Kong Country returned so hard, it returned twice in the span of a decade. The Switch is getting a HD remake of the Wii Game... well, you get the idea. I personally think it'll be ok. I never played the first game so I may check it out, but it's probably just gonna be a basic remake.


Luigi's Mansion 2 / Dark Moon HD

Yeah, for some reason the UK's version of 2 is called Dark Moon here. I dunno why. But I AM HYPED. It's coming out LITERALLY at the end of this month and I could not be more happy! I loved 2 when it came out, even if it messed with the formula of the games at the time. I loved the mission based system and hope that it is improved upon even further in this game! Sure, it may just be a fancier version of it that you can play on the Switch, but I recommend checking it out!


Super Mario Party Jamboree

Jambo...f**king...ree. I love this. I've not really played a LOT of Mario Party Games, I played Island tour, 9 and 10 and thats it. But this game may very well be one I pick up IF it introduces a LOT of interesting stuff, like a story Mode... Yes... a Story Mode. 9 did it, why can't Jamboree! Overall, I like how it looks; the maps look pretty good, I think you can play as Bowser in this one. I'd give it a play!


The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

Link is F**king dead. I'm not even kidding, I'm pretty sure Link is dead in this game, he got sucked into a weird vortex thing. Anyways, not the point. This is pretty much taking the games name to the extreme, where you play as Zelda to save your kingdom and... lover? Hero? What even is Link to Zelda? A-Anyway, I'm not a big Zelda fan, but I know some people are so that's why I mentioned it here.

Theres also a new Metroid Game coming out, but thats coming out in 2025 so yall gonna have to wait on that one. Personally, I'm looking forward to a LOT of these games, even the ones I didn't mention! I also decided to just make a post about the Direct since I forgot about it and wanted to give it justice. Now I'm gonna go and uh... do something I dunno.



Next up

#1 - Differences between Universe 7 and Universe 14 Saiyans.

Okay, the game hasn't been immediately worsened by the fact there was like countless bugs. There was only one bug that I didn't know. Doin' better than Time Shift's release day, hell yeag


ooga booga i am steve the ghost. fruppet has told me that you should get this game to 100 followers.

if you do fruppet will make an actual reference for fruppet and gulak. steve out

Still no game-breaking bugs.

I think I've done it guys. I've become a reasonable Game Developer.

Now if you'll excuse me I got a Manor to Takeover.

What yall thinking of the new buttons for MMT, I've had to change them to actives because (as I found out), if someone doesn't have a specific font on their device, it just shows symbols.

OK. Now the game is available to play. Any bugs, just report them here, etc. etc.

something something, squares.

I didn't post it in the communities like a fool. Thats just what taking a break does for a man.

I am a man of my word, heres 1/2 of what I promised (for now, I'll do Gulak Later. (He's the guy whose laughing with Fruppet in the corner)

exactly how I wanted to wake up today. cheers man

Makin' Bowsers Jumpscare, decided to make a meme real quick. Surprisingly, I've only got 3 more AI's to make for MMT and then the main nights are done. So that's cool.