2 days ago

TCTF is not cancelled; Read article.

I already said this many times but due the events that happened between yesterday and today in my private life I have no other option to temporally unlist the page and disappear until I feel comfortable.

No, game is NOT CANCELLED and it will never be.

The Comeback to Freddy's is my baby and I must take care of it. It may take up to years to finish it, but I wont cancell it.

Right now my mental illnesses are draining my motivation to do shit.

Sorry everyone.

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Next up

Kalimnossys update.



(Read article for more information)

Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

Another house i made long time ago.

Heya! I wanted to show some gameplay progress i made so far. I hope you like it ^^

So here's the first of the zodiac signs i will make for the next weeks.

Update 2.627

New challenges & new effects!

Demonstration of the spells and their effects :)!