5 months ago

Teacher: oh come on, speak more loudly

Her: It's ......

Her during break time:



Next up

bro why my project thumbnail is new scratcher's pfp

YESSSSSS FINALLY i thought i will lost it

i forgot about one, but for now let's see if i can i find ar on scratch\

wait i think i found him he's endergamer?

probably due to puppet theatre (some projects)

the john tepor is the guy who is on log 52*, he worked with some people to build the spirit but smth goes wrong and the spirit is missing anyways have a image of what is the decode message for:

lol, i keep finding people, like it started from JayArcade then max and then emmet and then rest of them,

you know you are not moving, forever. when you hear this song

I swear i can't 🤣


-- T O T A L R E P L A C E M E N T'S

LOWERED the value of chance getting it to happen

should be more common