4 days ago

Team bald💅 (@RealShadowTheHedgeHog it's sonic pls follow)

1 comment


Next up

Yep he's fake

This is my new oc now

Im found my mom in tiktok :v


Someone or mio: ponytown it's bored


I finally made all characters in ddlc anyway rate my characters and ur fav character (I don't need poll srry)

Cream army with haina/@CuteHaina (haina it's in 4th one when sitting)

I was getting ignore by my 2 friends but at least I have my sister play with me♥ (@LiaCreamFan_54 )she it's sayori(LAST PIC IT'S SAYORI ARMY! 1! 1! 1)

I have fun with @CuteHaina and my friends! (Haina it's sayori now cream)

My character pfp (unfinished)