Team Orange wishes you a Happy Undertale Anniversary! We celebrate it with a drawing made by one of our best artists to reveal our first Boss, Walter
On other topic, we inform you that the project is going well but we still need musicians.
Art by @Nyx292
Next up
We know we've been slow, but we're still working hard on development as fast as we can! We'll be sure to keep you updated on anything regarding the game's development. (Art by principeelenick).
art by @Nyx292
Team Undertale Orange wishes you a Happy New Year! Sorry for the inactivity on the Gamejolt page, but we've been working! To make it up to you, we'll show you some discarded concepts about the Sepias from the Introduction.
-Art By principeelenick & Uriel.
Cl-... Daler Dance
Hi everyone, sorry took me long to send more progress stuff and i think i can show this, these textboxes are from the protagonists and when you play as one of them.
Here are some little examples how they look in a very tiny text box (cuz i was lazy bruh).
It's been a while...
Drawings, lol
Just to let you know, aside from Undertale Ghosts Of The Past, im working on an Undertale Orange fangame too!
Don't worry, UT|G.O.T.P. is still active!
Check the UTO project page tho!
Thats all folks, bye!
We are working hard, but sometimes we have to take some time to just let our brain take a path to the unknown, it's nice to see the new opportunities and above all the experiences you meet along the way
-Animation by principeelenick