Li'l Piglets Candy Shop 2.

4 years ago

Telegram: 94

From: Assistant Silvia.

To: My boss.

R.E: Subject A.

I have been in charge of observing subject A while she is in her coma being resuscitated, and I have had some worries. I have noticed her talking in her sleep saying something about "monsters". Once, she even woke up completely, sat up in her seat and said; "They want me." I have a worry that due to the trauma of her incident at the candy shop, she may be having night terrors in which her mind see's these robots as monsters. I recommend that we speed up the process of reviving her. According to my studies, if we go as fast as possible in the operation, we should be able to fully revive her in 5 more nights of work.



Next up Li'l Piglets Candy Shop 3 game page is out!!! Please follow and like to support the game! (=

ha ha ha

shit ;-;

I'll figure something out. =D

Sugar the Cat

The full game of Li'l piglets candy shop 3 is finally out! Sorry for the long wait. Go on out and show it some love! (=

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ha ha comedy

no you're a nerd

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