Super Mario Bros. 64: Retro Edition
4 years ago

Tell me if I need to update another sprite for this game



Next up

It's been 11 days since I talked about this game for the first time, and I added the Grand Stars from Mario Galaxy, which will be added for extra missions in levels, even the extra levels...


Metal Cap, there, I also need the song

Finally made all the missing powerups, or did I? expect EXTRA LEVELS WITH EXTRA CONTENT NOT SEEN IN THE ORIGINAL GAME, ok? ok (plus 1-up pop up cuz again, why not)

Twitter would cancel me over this...

but I don't care

Me with no Girlfriend/Boyfriend, realising I could live forever:

I have changed the cloud block sprite, as they old one is scuffed sh*t

I got this ad while browing through reddit...


Quackity, Fitz, and some more (I think) got cancelled for saying that word...

Ok, maybe he deserves shoutouts for the better name (again, sorry)
