Deltarune: Frozen Heart

2 years ago

Testing premieres. The new teaser of Frozen Heart is upcoming (and moved forward a day)!

After 7 months since the last one, here's the new teaser for Deltarune Frozen Heart, showing off a cutscene happening in the new section of the game: the overworld section, releasing at 8pm GMT/4 pm EDT, actually releasing on October 30th instead of the 31st like I said in the previous post

The main reason? Monday, Halloween and Deltarune's birthday. You never know what those two events (and day) may bring in

As always, I kinda don't like showing off the most important parts of my work to keep the suspense, so that teaser do not show anything that would be considered a big spoiler but I'm proud of that cutscene as not only do the dialogues doesn't look to bad and pretty close from canon but it also seems like a pretty good balance between Suselle and the deep discussions the characters have sometimes in Deltarune



Next up

I may or may not be trying to port Smile to Kristal to learn it. It could be useful for later. But this engine sure is on a different level, help-

Frozen Heart is looking for a composer!

Spamton is here to talk about your weird route's extended warranty

And happy 7th birthday to Undertale!

A follower asked for more pictures of Niko and Ralsei, so here they are :D

Daily ralsei day 90

Hello, I'm not dead as this video demonstrate

Frozen Heart has been remade on Kristal and has passed the point where I left it on CYK but a lot of stuff from the main fight were remade to be better. Mostly Susie's dialogues. The previous ones sucked

I just realized that WE'VE REACHED 200 FOLLOWERS ✨❤❤ Thanks to everyone for so much support and for that you deserve 5 extra ralsei images in addition to today's :D!

The place of salvation

Quick Progress Report


Hello everyone, today, I am glad to announce that I've decided to rename this fangame.

From now on, please remember this fangame as Deltarune: Hypothermic Bloodpump!