3 months ago

TF609 Side Story - The Renagrad Incident [Part 1] - "No Man's Land"

Russia, 20 Miles From the Ukraine Border, Day 1, 2 AM.

Task Force 609 was hired to investigate reports of a terror cell operating in the town of Renagrad. 5 Operatives were sent.


A chopper was approaching the town, containing a crew of TF609's best operatives.

Exotic: "We're approaching the drop zone."

Crim: "So it seems..."

Exotic turned to the rest of the men on board the chopper.

Exotic: "Alright, listen up. You've each been in dangerous situations before, but this will be different. From our reports, civilian presence is low. Expect frequent contact from enemy forces."

The three other men nod as they listened to Exotic.

Exotic: "Anyone you see is kill on sight unless either me or Crim says otherwise, got it? These are dangerous men, and they won't hesitate to cut you up into little pieces if they got the chance."

Crim: "Our mission is to extract a defector named 'Sergei Yelnikov'. He contacted us a day ago, and we agreed to help him get out, on the condition that he tells us everything about the group."




Ryan was sharpening his knife. He was a tall, muscular man with dark hair. He appeared to be in his late 30s. Tim looked European, but he had a thick, American accent as he spoke. Blonde hair, pale skin... It was all there. Yousef was the most reserved, being only 5'11 with a lot less meat on his bones. He had a pair of glasses and dark, black hair.

Crim turned to Exotic and pat his shoulder.

Crim: "It's been a while since you an' me have been to a shithole like this, right?"

Exotic: "If I had to pick between this and Chicago, I'd definitely choose to live here as opposed to the latter."

They both laughed as the chopper approached the landing zone.


Three armed men, each wearing gas masks and old Russian military uniforms looked at the chopper touching down in the distance and got their guns ready.

Stranger 1: "NATO pigs... They got here faster than anticipated."

Stranger 2: "Should we go tell Yelnikov?"

Stranger 1: "Yelnikov? That dog? You'd be better off telling him to eat a dick."

Stranger 2: "Hm... Well, we should still alert someone."

The third stranger reached into his pocket and pulled out a radio. He pressed a button and began speaking.

Stranger 3: "Sir... Yes, they're here... I understand."

He put down the radio and turned to the two.

Stranger 3: "Boss said he wants all of them captured. If not, two high value ones should be good."

Stranger 2: "What do you mean? High value?"

Stranger 3: "Yes. This is no ordinary western agency. It appears to be armed forces of some kind, though I'm not quite sure which country they belong to..."

Stranger 1: "So? What do we do now?"

Stranger 3: "Go gather some others. We need to make sure they can't escape. It seemed like there were only 5 of them."

Stranger 1: "Alright. Understood."

The two men got up and walked off, leaving the third behind.

Stranger 3: "We will not let these animals take our home..."

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