9 days ago

Thank You All So Much For 1000 Followers, It truly was an honor to see a community all together for me

Let's go over some of the stuff for my games:

JOLLY: The Paradoxical Apocalypse:

I know the game has been paused for quite a while, but since It's paused, I wanted to make some teaser games for y'all to enjoy. Like some of those teaser games would have more lore surrounding the series itself. Like one of the games I planned to make that involves Star, or a game with some origins of the Nightmares from COM: R. I plan on some of the games

Happy Tree Friends Horrors:

Right as the games 1st Anniversary was here, @Conor_the_Robin informed me about Mondomedia bringing back the entire Happy Tree Friends Show to life with new episodes. As the 1st anniversary post released, @Trhed_craf_leviar told me about how the company themselves were not earning enough money because of YouTube Demonetizing Mondomedia multiple times despite them being able to upload things without demonetization back when the show was still running fine. I also found out that they, made a troll teaser that, Merged both HTF and Dick Figures' Animation Styles together, just so they could troll people so, yeah, not related to that though. While I made more models for the series, I was also collaborating with @jojogledenhuys on a Non-Canon series to HTF Horrors, One Week At Jaidens Paradox, Only some of the games were finished, but not just some of the games, I will show more models on the games that don't line up to HTF Horrors. There IS a Sprite Pack for the Non-Canon Spin-Off out now, so there will be new models for the games themselves

The Horror Show Chronicles:

While Separated Timelines was out, There Is MORE than just this, 5 More Collections have been hinted at on the header of the Games Community Section and it's description. But what about the red hat in the Image you may be asking, well that's a teaser of the Revival of Jacko's Horror House. So wait till there's a reveal for the name of this game and the collection itself

Five Nights At Sonic's: Nightmare Revived: Rewritten:

As this game is on hold. There is more Ideas to have since we have more than just that. Like when My Friend @Baconator55ss made his Take on this series with an additional game. So maybe there may be a chance it might be in the game


AGK: Down Below Underground is STILL on hold, so right now the game will be on hold with more things to have while y'all wait for the full release of the game

Well, that's all I have to say for this one, See you soon



Next up

Today is my Birthday. So here's something I made with Stick Nodes

(All Stks I used are not made by Me)


Lucas/Weegeepie Really Has Made Some Bad Decisions, And It's Why I Need To Spread The Word Now, He Must Decide Whether Or No He Would Try To Make A TRUE Response To THe Allegations Or Get Deplatformed

Thumbnail's I Made For @YahirBrenes1


Join Us To Save Team Fortress 2 From Those Bots. Enough Is Enough!!!

My Opinion On @AitorXD123 's Replacement Characters

@jojogledenhuys EFJ Thumbnail + Header

1st Image: Thumbnail

2nd Image: Header

This Guy Offened Me For Calling THSC A Chinese Bootleg, ANNND Said I look like big wheel. I DO NOT! Think that is true cause TAF is meant to be a Rewrite of TDHIAP, NOT a Chinese Bootleg

Punched In The Gut

Pretty Blood: Undead Frights

(My Take On Experiment Lizard's Undead Blood)

Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/@Brazilian-malino