
1 year ago

Thank you everyone for 100 followers!!!!!! For 100 followers I am gonna be doing a Q and A!!! Ask me questions and I will answer!! Thank you guys so much for the support!!!



Next up

Basically done with the trailer!! It will be premiering on December 30th at Bloodwinter!! ( I blurred the character in the thumbnail above btw, it is not the actual thumbnail )

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Hope you guys are great!! What did you guys for christmas? Here is my gift to you!!! ( the christmas image )

Here’s a little bit of a explanation of what’s going on over on twitch!

I am looking for youtubers that can react to the trailer for a youtube video to help bring the game some light! Can anyone help?

Progress is happening with the video!!

Oh yes my “mimics” are on the way!

So question: Making a video right now and would you be ok with offensive humor? Example: same humor from videos like from issacwhy or TheDoo?

I am happy to anounce DeathBound A Short Film!!!! There is some info I can say about the film and some I can't!!

So I got a chance to make my own Last Of Us album cover, didn’t really turn out how I wanted it but it’s cool ig!

The Rainbow Six Siege did better than I thought compared to my last livestream that was fnaf, think so imma do it again tonight and I’m gonna be setting a goal for 10 followers that would bring the channel to almost 200 followers. What should I do at 200?