3 years ago

Thank you for 12 views in a row on December 8th! I've been working on a little bit more of the NES soundtrack (spoiler in the provided article), but I have to take a little break because of school (my algebra grade is slipping, other than that I'm okay).

Unfortunately, Shadorako's Theme will be changing soon. It's too unoriginal, and I'm pretty sure the melody used is completely identical to something else. I'm not risking a DMCA takedown, even if my game is for free.

I'm taking the development very seriously and none of the content provided was made for shits and giggles. (Big whoop, I cursed again. Get used to it, or don't, whichever one works.)

Pinori's development is no joke (to me at least) and I'm working as hard as I can to make sure it becomes the game I want it to be. That means a completely, and I mean COMPLETELY, original soundtrack, a story that's not too quick or too slow (I'm bad at developing stories so a friend is helping out a little, though for the most part I've got a lot of things in the bag such as how the endings will go), and cool characters regardless of gender.

There may be more official female characters than male characters, but hey, I'm trying to balance things out here to the best of my ability. I'm definitely not going for an all female cast like in the Love Live anime. Not making fun of it though, it was an AMAZING anime. [Snow Halation intensifies]

Sorry, was getting offtopic.

This game's development represented half of the entertainment I get in my leisure time (and maybe a little bit in my free time during school hours too). If it weren't for Pinori, there would be nothing to look forward to over the weekend or whenever I catch breaks. I wouldn't have to draft songs in, I wouldn't have to write a script for a game that didn't exist. If Pinori didn't exist, I would be one hell of a bored mf.

Returning to how seriously I take development of Pinori, I would greatly appreciate if you shared this project with a few friends (if you have any, I hope you do or else I hope you earn some soon). I don't want to end up releasing Pinori only for 2 or more years worth of work to go to waste, and only about 100 people download the game, then it gets forgotten. I don't care if you share my game with 1 friend, 100 friends, or advertise it for me in public Discord servers, all that matters is if you share it. Yeah, even just once counts. Even once at all, once in a blue moon or at all. You shared. Thank you.

Speaking of thank you, I'd like to, well, thank you for almost 1.4 THOUSAND views. I know that's not much compared to games that are way better than mine, such as @AndreWharn 's "Our Destiny", which is beating me by 12 thousand views, but I'm still very grateful I reached this milestone, even if it's so small, in fact I'm lucky I even reached 100 views a year ago. 1.4 thousand views shows me that you guys care, whether a little or a lot, and while I'd prefer "a lot" over "a little", this is better than nothing. Call today Thanksgiving 2, because I have something to be grateful for again.

This game has potential because of not only how much effort the artist(s) and I have put into the game, but because of you too. If it weren't for you, this game would just be some stupid obscure piece of garbage that would never be accepted by society and probably would have 10 or less gameplay videos, whether in parts (that never continued after 1) or as whole videos with just under 30 views or something. The one goal that I have with this game is to entertain people with my material, kinda like why I created my YouTube channel. Speaking of YouTube, let's hope some popular YouTuber finds out about my game and plays it, then my game page suddenly gets a massive boost in views. Let's also hope I didn't shove my head too far up my ass, or preferably at all. To paraphrase, let's make sure I'm not imagining a fantasy and that Pinori will actually be famous. Only time will tell. That's why there's no specified release date yet, I need to take my time on this.

Not only that but uh, did I ever tell you all I ever finished throughout this ENTIRE journey was... Pinori's house? Yeah, throughout the course of 1 and a half years, I've only finished the starting point of the game... yippee. It's due to a lack of tilesets though, and how many times I've had to switch artists (twice, let's not make that thrice). Anyway, this article is fricking huge, I only meant to make it a line or two long and then it turned into a "so here's a recap, btw thank you for the support" thing.

Anyway, I won't make this article any longer. If you read the entire thing, you're a chad. Or, in case of the ladies (yes, transfems too, trans people don't get enough respect ffs, same with black people respect them too), you're...

... I don't think there's a feminine alternative to "chad", is there? Can't just slap "ette" to the end and call it a day.

You're... you're beautiful.
All of you. You know what, everyone is, ladies, men, transgenders, bigenders/intersex/nonbinary, whites, blacks, EVERYONE! You're all beautiful beings, I don't care if you've committed a crime in life, the human race is beautiful. Thank you all for reading this whole thing, or skimming if you're in a rush, can't blame you. Get to that meeting on time, submit that school assignment before the deadline, if you need to skim for a reason (even if you don't care about my posts, that's a reason too), do it.

This is the real end now, I ACTUALLY won't make this post any longer. I'm bad at goodbyes when I'm all piped up like this, so, well, thank you for reading and have a nice day!

Thank you for clicking on the article. Clearly, if you did, you're okay with the spoiler above, and the absolute essay I turned it into. To view the spoiler, hover over it with your mouse. It might be finnicky on mobile.




Next up

bruh how. Pinori is literally set as fucking unlisted HOW IS THE PAGE ALMOST AT 2.8K VIEWS

Guess I forgot to post, but uh, thanks for 2.5k+! Road to 3k is gonna be exciting.

Crazy to think that view counts have risen since the semi-release of Codename Crystal... we've hit new normals.

finally she lost her checkmark. how long has it been like that

Thanks for 2.4k views and over 100 followers!

Okay, I'm fucking done. Who are you people and why are you spamming comments claiming I'm asking random people for nudes??? Y'all are fucking desperate for attention aren't you?



You're welcome.

LMFAO good. thon/xe pronouns looking ass