Big Stick Fight | Multiplayer Local
3 years ago

Thanks for the great reception for the game! ❤️

just passing a quick info.

I'm going to add control support, I see some people complaining about their keyboard not being able to hold enough keys during the action.

thinking of adding vehicles to the game! I don't know what the mechanics will be like, but soon there must be! 😋

and changes in general...

I still have a few things to do, so I should start making these changes in the next few weeks. bye!



Next up

bahh... is almost!

Good afternoon everyone!

most of it is ready, now just update the interface and that menu too!😄


thanks for the +300 downloads! you are amazing!

Fix: the cat now takes no damage from his shot

Fix: add more than 1 weapon

Fix: molotov catches fire endlessly

Several general corrections and stability improvements!

New Update!!😄🎉

Hi everyone!

I'm adding the joysticks to the game, not much is missing, probably this update will come out next week

Bye! 👋❤️

New Update!!🎉❤️

Update is out! See the changelog!

Nova Atualização! V1.58

com o feedback da comunidade eu consegui melhorar a experiência de usuário.

art comission.

Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore