Five Nights at Candy 2D

2 years ago


As we know FNAC2D is completed, thanks to everyone who followed the game! I'll tell you right away there won't be a sequel, because I don't see the point in it... But don't worry, I'm launching a cool new FFAF project using the link in the description:



Next up

New pixel fnaf game.

Okay this is the first version of a rat, that looks like a mouse :/

Окей это первая версия крысы, похожа на мышь

My first 3d model)

This Comes From Inside.

1.0.0 RELEASE!

what's new?

This post is to let everyone know progress has been going great, I'll be making a devlog about it very soon!

take care of yourself.

#MinecraftCrossover I think there is no need for words

Announcements!! Game engines, independence, and Virtual Reality

Sneak Peek (2/3)