3 years ago

Thanks to @Golden_King_Memory, i hit 250 followers! We are coming close to 300!

1 comment


Next up

HARD PLATFORMER ULTIMATE is now available on the Clickteam's ClickStore!


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#platformer #hardplatformer #clickteam #clickstore

Bros smooth with it

fear him if you dare

#pixelart #pussinboots


Did you ever want to playtest & try early builds of HARD PLATFORMER ULTIMATE? Now you can!

Join our developer Discord server: https://t.co/0Thr7i66Gi

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#platformer #hardplatformer #clickteam #playtesting #indiedev #gamedev

did i waste my money

Fiz just tweeted this today. Apparently this has something to do with that weird Twitter limit thing. (I didn't make this.)

pls share this with everyone, messages like this light up MY YEAR!!!!! πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜β€β€β€πŸ˜‰