Five Nights at Coso 2 - Remake

2 years ago

That desk is very expensive, get your hands off of it please.



Next up

Got really bored at school. So I've decided to draw a realistic version of what remains of James inside SpringCoso.

I've also had no reference whatsoever and had to rely on my memory while drawing this. I think it's pretty cool!

Original Cosa never has been one of my favorite characters in the Coso's series.

But now I've found a really good voice actor for her and I finished her new pose, so I'm beginning to like her a lot!

Just like the other one, here's a before & after! :D

"Hello... Lethal Company? I'd like to address a Warning about your Content!!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Spring Coso ´´Improved``

Not an unproportioned mess anymore.

First image is the old one

It may look different but is still him...

Five Nights at Coso's series by: @MidaGames

Coso design by @-TightSocks-

Happy birthday to Five Nights at Coso 2 Remake!

To celebrate, I have made a major update (not a 2.0) for all to enjoy!

Let's have a look:

"For a change of identity, one must commit the ultimate sacrifice. To save yourself, will you accept to start anew?"

Coso lore

BATMAN REPAINTED HIMSELF IN GOLD?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!