29 days ago

That one dude who tried to impersonate @Rayden92 and failed, then tried to be a fake autocorrector bot, and then resorted to try quote on quote "Hacking" us in Kosmi. (Read Description)

After failing twice in a row to even try at being a pain in the ass before he was banned off of GameJolt, the mutt we all know as @AUTOCORRECTOR has tried to strike at being a dick once again. He repeatedly tried to shit on us in Kosmi when in reality he just wanted pitiful attention. I have obtained evidence supporting this claim, including an image of him confirming his own identity as @AUTOCORRECTOR, which is ludicrous in his case. This has happened to my friend @Emilianodleon_GamejoltAccount and me, since @AUTOCORRECTOR was attempting to primarily hack @Emilianodleon_GamejoltAccount due to his outbursts that he was unable to control in GameJolt.

In conclusion, @AUTOCORRECTOR is a small-time dipshit loser who will stop at nothing to continue doing what he does to get attention.

Edit: He tried to leak my age and got it fucking wrong, which is pathetic.

Edit 2: Now he tried to guess our ages again, trying to play it off as a joke, which just even more foul.

Edit 3: He's just making things worse for his end, and is now probably gonna try and impersonate @Emilianodleon_GamejoltAccount , which again is just pathetic of him, this just goes to show his desperation.



Next up


Finally got another teaser out.

Recently just heard about the news from @msmfnafboi about @yo_kai-Falls , so...

UGH, What the fuck was past me thinking when making this abomination!?

I have no regrets where I placed this.


Beta DickDick.

Yelloh Mouse Redesign.

Random Models I made while having no internet.
