Nightshifts in the E.X.I.T: Classic RECODED
2 years ago

The 2-night demo for NITE 1 Classic Recoded is out now! If you see bugs, let me know.

Also there is a bug where if you close the door sometimes you will hear knocking, it's supposed to be for a character that shows up and knocks so I would recommend waiti

ng until they show up or you hear the danger alert and then close the door, those knocks will be actual knocks instead of fake ones

Im still trying to figure that bug out but if I can't ill try to fix it in the full version



Next up


Coming sometime this month...


Forgot to say that I was working on the new update again

Also yeah I decided to change the main menu since I felt that the old one didnt look right, and I also removed some stuff that would be related to the update in the screenshot

Rat Race Production Update

Unnecessary post but peak has just arrived for me in the mail today

Max and Friends Pizzeria is now out!!!

Looks like Heloise has gotten done fixing the laptop, and it seems be a new update for the game!