18 days ago

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 : the 2 things that people never noticed on my avatar, i have a snowman and a teddy bear

🇵🇹 : as 2 coisas que as pessoas nunca percebeu no meu avatar, eu tenho um homem de neve e um ursinho de pelucia

🇪🇸 : las 2 cosas que la gente nunca notó en mi avatar, yo tengo un muñeco de nieve y un oso de peluche



Next up

my man is mad just because i ended his streak with za hando- (and also he just ragequit LMAO) (also cooldisplayname is me)

Guess the country #2

Guess the country #1

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Roblox!

Complete the quest and you'll get a Roblox reward pack!

Portuguese India and British Raj

okay last round of roblox avatars for today istg

All gloves that i have in slap battles

that is a lie. (ber was the old name of my oc)

gnarpy regretevatr