2 months ago

the 21 bday special (as gamejoth post) (is my bday i have 21 years now yay?)

for the people who haven't watched the 21 bday special this post got created for it. if ya open to watch it click this text if not then enjoy thread


jdf is a fnf mod. here some news about

pogress has been a bit slown honesty mosty becuse our coder is learning how to code a bit more and yeah we are making sure eveything is good and ready (despite the fact is been 3 years since it got annucend like what the fuck)

ouper song has be revalead and yeah enjoy it and have fun with it.

i drew the new header of the mod. so yeah enjoy (idfc if is bad in ya eyes i love it and i worked hard on it)



the first and canon luca project where you explore in a rpg world where the evil has been upon the island. me and my team are working very hard on it and i hope ya enjoy it

also we relased the main theme of the game so yeah enjoy


the first approved fan family trouble project. made by @SuperVinnyFa2005

showed some of his concepts in the video but...yeah you here so yeah


i got permission from him to do this so yeah. enjoy the draws and follow him back to see the devploment of the game (of course check his other project too)

so what you seen is so far a lot of things to annuce. once again happy bday to me since is my bday and thanks for all people who gived me support in my life to reach this year. i wish them the best and we see you another time. follow me on twitter on meantime yk

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Next up

another day another update treahd

so all started when somebody relased a mod about this fnf bite remix


it was with tracced art and other issues. i said as joke what if i would make it so yeah here we are i made idle of all charathers of fnaf 2 so yeah enjoy them

hi im waving (luca stye)

i am not btw dead for the 2 fans then still follow me. i been working on the rpg game and also playing (Again) pwp becuse peak. yeah

a remasered of a old video is here enjot it


Analysis/review of Together Again: A "Lake's Funland" Story Is out enjoy It


Thanks to @Heisenmorg for making One of my favorite games i played ngl

Check the game btw


Analysis/review of fnati/five night's at tresure island worlds Is out enjoy It


wario and his friends are backkkk and ya shold return with mark on the factory of burgers


#ftroubles the dark island newslog-1

the main story coding has be finished (demo) but it still need grammar fixxes,abilitys and art so yeah give us time (btw yes family trouble # is that (#ftroubles ). use it for fanarts idk)

a bit of news regarding jdf (Read it if ya want idfk)