Additional songs on Non-Canon mode
(that i forget to add )Non-Canon Songs on Freeplay!
Perish new instrumental for a bit.
Fixed Dead City Zone ACT 1 & ACT2 .json and Lua files.
Fixed Studio Boy's .json for a bit.
Fixed issue in Stress and also removing the PicoSpeaker character on it. that crashes the game after loading "Stress"
Removing a Lua script to Stress. (Cuz is useless)
Fixed Week 2 .JSON file
Fixed Week 5 .JSON file
Fixed Week 7 .JSON file
V-pose and Scary Sprites additional (
and a game over screen).SB Left and right are not longer flipped.
Changes in Halloween Stage .json file.
LucAs' Down Pose is fixed in Original Mode.
Fixed Window Flashes in Weeks 3, and also putting a black window after a flash occured.
Fixed Window Flash in Week 3 In Original Mode.
Game Over Music remade.
Using the Outdated Sprite as an placeholder to the Game Over screen due to not having an own game over screen finished.
Fixed Willy's Spritesheet.
Fixed Studio Tank's .XML and .PNG file cuz of bugs (for a bit).
Fixed Saul ".json" file.
Saul's icon reworked.
Xeroxel's Week 5 Sprites added.
(which i got lazy to programmed her)Well folks, i think this will be the last patch to be released, I'm not sure if there will be another patch of the demo, Have fun!
Next up
The Mod's thumbnail remake.
Welp, i will think about the mod's progress even further.
The Demo was released!!!
(4.0 Update Instruction below)
New Thumb For ONWST
note: BPST is there because He Appear on beta mode of the game, and the beta content will been playble.
"Teaser 1"
Heads Easter Egg (remastered 3.0)
Distorted Studio Mouse Gen 2 (Test Render)
a little study with blender.
A preview of the Main Menu!
April's Fools Everyone!!!