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[ Oblivion (Menu Theme) ]
The Official Unused Soundtrack of WTJ | Remastered (Was also going to be in the Welcome To Jake's 2 {It was the discarded version of the game} )
[ The end of the Rosa's Mafia (Menu Theme) ]
The Official Soundtrack of WTJ 2 (This theme would play after finishing the full game and completing the sixth night)
Honestly, when I was working on Cuddly IV V.2 (Remake 2023) for a long time, the best design I ever made was the Stitch Model03 Deathcount
Is it a very nice place? True?
I'm here
"I was reviewing some of my old Playstation 3 and 4 games like Nfs Hot Pursuit and Grid 2, but upon finding this game...
I didn't know if the cover was ruined or if it copied the original cover, it just added more darkness..."
“I am in everything that reflects”
[ The most unknown (Menu Theme) ]
The Official Soundtrack of WTJ 2 (Originally this theme would play on its first nights of the game 1-5)