A Night with a Castro (FNaF Parody Game)

2 years ago

The ANwaC Series is now 3 years old, have a celebration pic for this special day (and this time I'm not late yippie), next week I'll be busy with Irl stuff so no celebration teaser this time but there may be some once we finish with one of the new things.



Next up

Update: My joke OC became Banban's Sparky the Dog AAAAAAAAAAAAAH #ShoeUp

I bring a new oc for the Banban content grinder, Celest Crescendo! Enjoy the read (This took so looooong)!

I was bored and i finally had courage to go and 3D model the other 4 characters in the Customless Night (Excluding the clock monitor due to being modeled later when we program the mode if we ever reach it).

Shoutout to TAF 0 whom I escaped their basement from, enjoy the tafing in about one hour!

d O N ' t =) (Wow, too edgy for my taste).

if you guys make me reach the third form(by giving me candys), i will release the hidden teaser of ANwaC 2 on ray in the wild major update


Hey, ANwaC's birthday was yesterday, Big F, i lost it due to homework and some other stuff, have this lil' doodle to satisfy your hunger.

How the fuck did I made it to my 20's???????? (Happy birthday to meeeeeeeeeeee)

Wake up honey new TAF out!