12 days ago

The artical of Kelly facts, information and art gallery/Fanart.

(This will explain some background behined my dream girlfriend/comfort oc/therapy oc, as well as some facts!)

Credit to all those who made the fanart

  1. Kelly's original name was going to be June Zoe. However I settled on Kelly due to hownit had a more friendly and cute feel to it.

  2. Kelly is autistic like me. However she's got alot of life skills compared to me.

  3. Kelly is 5'3 foot tall.

  4. Although it may not look like it, Kelly is a tomboy, you could say she's a domesticated tomboy. (yeah they exist, I used to date one)

  5. Kelly is Scottish, like me.

  6. Although the purple and blue highlights on the tips of kellys bangs and strands of hair look like hair dye, its atchully a mutation she has after she touched a unstable crystal names "the mental shard" due to kelly wearing crystal ear rings most of the unstable energy was attracted and absorbed into her ear rings (witch is why they glow) and the rest of the energy was absorbed into her soul giving Kelly her iconic purple and blue fire like highlights.

  7. Kelly douse have a voice actress! Thanks to my friend @Gorestriker-Studios and her voice after nails Kelly's personality.

  8. Kelly has custom convers trainers that Stardust (role-play irl me) made for her, they have roller blades underneath that become active when she starts mach running, due to her mutations she's able to do alot of cool tricks.

  9. Kelly used to be in a rock band back in her early teenager days.

  10. If I had to choose a song that suits Kelly, it be this https://youtu.be/y0FWr32MFTM?si=ddpFEfkCPSVGtVC8

  11. Kelly is a sweet tooth, she loves ice cream

  12. Kelly is also athletic and she exercises regularly to stay fit and healthy.



Next up

Was very bored so I made a drawing of a Spring lock failure Monika (Even if it looks more like vanny lmao)

So I'm gonna bring this old project I cancelled. but inspired by One Week at Mario's Only I'm rebranding it from Five Nights At Caragh's to Seven Nights at Stardust's


So to any community that sees this.

Best to ban @ArtyMik9082005 from your communitys since as you can see of what he's done. You can see he's nothing more but a narcissist fool. These alot more on my account of his sins. Feel free to check them all out.

Never thought I'd say this, but the two night demo is now (Finally).

Apologies for the extremely long wait.

Gimme that French ass~


I'm still on hiatus but I wanted to show my new logo (yes its referencing Scottgames since I've been a huge fan of his games for years.)

@ArtyMik9082005 Telling my boyfriend to kill him self? Whats wrong? Are you jealous hes bigger than you?

I saw your...conversation. sending a gore game to my bf and my friend hmm? Well now I have a REASON to to be the most ANNOYING person in your life!