2 days ago

the background consumes you whole.

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guys what the hell did i just find?!


yea no, this is the end, i lost complete access, there was a number already applied and i lost it and it wont tell me, the wait a week thing did not work, this the end, of my youtube, all 3 accounts, gone, lost to time.

theres a fire in my


oh and also, im fuckin' rich now.

10000+ coins.

if only i could convert it into joltbux.

dear Gen A users...

its been forever since i last touched this game, it'll be worked on, eventually... but for now heres a quick doodle of the entire cast... well, most of it.

aaand its dead again, ngl if i were on the team i probably would've taken ownership, somehow.

highlights from marcel's newest whiteboardfox.
