4 days ago

The Buu Saga Sucked. But Dragon Ball probably would be less popular without it.

One. Glad to be back! Now that my exams are over, I can actually interact more properly. I'm sure nothing too crazy happened whilst I was less active!

Anyhow, Todays "Thoughts with Fruppet" as a returning gift! You know how these work by this point, but for the new people. This is a post based conversation like thing where I give my thought on somethin', like todays Topic! Dragon Ball Z!

(Psst. Go Check out the previous TWT's:



Ok. back to the funny Carrot man)

Specifically the Buu Saga. I'll give a brief overview about the saga itself for the new people.

  • Goku, the main character, died in the previous sage and didn't wanna be revived.

  • Gohan, Goku's son goes to school, meets some vigilante girl called Videl who figures out his SeCrEt HeRo IdEnTiTy, and blackmails him into joining a tournament.

  • Goku comes back for a day thanks to a magic lady on a crystal orb and joins in a tournament, alongside Gohan, Videl, Vegetabl- I mean Vegeta. Etc.

  • Tournament no longer matters cause two evil guys steal energy from Gohan and fly off, the gang follow alongside this god guy called Shin.

  • Shin tells the gang that the two energy thieves work for a midget called Babidi whose trying to resurrect Majin Buu.

  • They get there and fight a bunch of Babidi's minions before Vegeta gets controlled by Babidi.

  • Goku and Vegeta fight, giving enough energy for Buu's resurrection. From here Buu causes chaos before meeting Videls Dad and begins to turn good, even getting a pet dog.

  • Dog is harmed by random people, Buu gets mad and gets turned into candy by his evil side. Then the entire arc focuses on Buu getting stronger by eating people and the story shifting in protagonists several times.

  • By the end, Buu is in his original state (Kid Buu) and Goku finishes Buu off by throwing a Genkidama (Spirit Bomb) at him, pretty much ending the saga.

But THAT'S NOT WHAT WE'RE HERE FOR! Today, I wanna discuss the sheer idiocy of the Buu Saga at several points, but also talk about how Dragon Ball would probably not happen in the same way, starting with...

Goku's Attitude to the next Generation:

Pretty much from the Cell Games to when Goku is revived by an old guy, Goku has the same attitude of "When I die there isn't gonna be anyone to protect Earth. I'll just let the younger generation learn how to protect earth!"

This led to quite a lot of stretched plot holes that could easily have been avoided, one of which belongs to Fruppet (The OC not me) In this TWT's thumbnail, Super Saiyan 3. When it's revealed and Majin Buu and Goku fight, Goku pretty much ANNIHALATES Buu, until he just stops and leaves. This wasn't because he had ran out of stamina (although the time limit could be a reasonable factor), but because he wanted Goten and Trunks to defeat Buu. I'm not even making that up, he LITERALLY tells Vegeta after he comes back from the Otherworld for a day that he wanted them to do it. I mean, it's somewhat reasonable since he's dead, he can't protect the earth now because he's already used his day on earth once he dies, but Majin Buu is LITERALLY A GALACTIC THREAT MAN!

Either way, this point could probably be avoided because of one thing...


It's well know that Son Gohan, the man to defeat Cell, the person who Goku believed could protect the world now that he had died, had slacked off on his training between the Cell Saga and the Buu Saga, which came at MANY costs.

  • He never controls his anger. The main reason that Goku is even dead in the first place is because he inconsiderate and drunk on his own power when he was SSJ2. By the time he faces Kabito in the Tenkaichi Budokai (The tournament thing), he's still unable to properly control the form.

  • His lack of control led to Babidi getting tons of energy for Buu's egg, and temporarily put him out of commission whilst Goku and the others headed to Babidi.

  • When facing Dabura, he was literally at a stalemate with the Demon. Both Goku and Vegeta state that Dabura was on par with Cell (Presuming we mean Super Perfect), which Gohan was able to defeat 7 years ago. More Energy leads to the pink man.

  • What people often don't talk about is Vegeta's rage here. Vegeta gets annoyed that Gohan can't defeat Dabura, which allows Dabura to see the evil in Vegeta's heart, leading to Majin Vegeta.

Even after Gohan trains and gets his potential unlocked, there is still a big issue relating to him. He still gets cocky. Against Super Buu, Gohan knows that he is able to defeat the Majin, and begins acting a little bit too confident. This would lead to both Piccolo AND Gotenks (the fusion of Goten and Trunks) being absorbed, which leads to Gohan's defeat and absorption. One more issue that the man causes is his inability to catch the Potara Earing. If he caught it, he certainly would have been able to defeat Buu with the power of Gokhan... Gohku... WHATEVER!


Ok, this may be a lil weird for people who have seen the show, but let me explain. The Final Buu fight has Goku and Vegeta fight the strongest version of Buu (Kid Buu) and finally put an end to the crazy... thing... I don't wanna call it a man. Issue is they are both hella weak, even in Super Saiyan 3, Goku has a bad time with the Majin.

But all of their troubles, the Genkidama, Vegeta's "I'm not him" Speech, Goku's slight overconfidence shining through, ALL OF THIS... could have been avoided. Before the fight even started, Kibitoshin (the Potara fusion of Shin and Kibito) offered Vegeta and Goku another set of Potara to fuse into Vegito and finally defeat Kid Buu. Ya know what Vegeta did? He said "Nah" And CRUSHED THE POTARA. Now, this wouldn't be too big of a deal, Saiyan Pride and all that! But this isn't the first time that Vegito could have defeated Buu. The first time has reason, during Vegito's fight with Buuhan, he purposefully gets absorbed so that he can save his family and friends before defusing; he could have defeated Buu, but decided not to with actual reason. Here though? They very easily could've defeated Buu with Vegito, no one was inside Buu except for the Great Lord of Lords (more on him later), but nope, Vegeta couldn't just let that slide.

It's probably my most HATED part of the Buu Saga, it's unnecessary!

But there is a reason:

However, all of these problems culminate to make a reasonable outlook on things, which I'll be covering here.

First, Goku's outlook on the next generation. If Goku never decided to let the next generation learn to protect earth, then Majin Buu may have not finished off Babidi. Whilst this would provide some more issues, it would mean Buu could begin to change in perspective when he met Mr Satan. Furthermore, Gotenks may have not put up as much of a fight if Goku never showed the two boys SSJ3. So, it overall balances out. Not to mention that Goku can just teleport wherever, so he can teleport to Gohan whenever he wants!

Speaking of, Gohan's lack of training actually benefits us in this case! Because Gohan's SSJ2 was weak as heck, it allowed Shin and Kibito to take Gohan to the sacred world of Kais and train with the Z sword. There is a WHOLE lotta good things that actually came from this. Obviously the Z sword broke and Elder Kai was freed, allowing Gohan to achieve his Ultimate form AND for Goku to be revived! These two events pretty much shaped the rest of the Buu saga, leading to a ton of great things!

But the one that may seem a lil' strange is the final problem I have, the whole Potara Crushing situation. Well, there is one big thing about this, and that's the fact Kid Buu reincarnated as Uub. Not too important right now as Kid Buu is already dead, but if we skip forward a couple years to a (currently) manga only arc of Dragon Ball Super, the Moro Arc. The whole Reason Moro (Evil Magic Goat guy) is able to be defeated is because of Uub's massive Potential. And at the point of the Arc, Uub was only a kid, so if it wasn't for the Great Lord of Lords, Moro would've exploded!

But wait! Isn't the Great Lord of Lords in Majin Buu? Well, Vegeta and Goku saved Majin Buu, aka the good Buu, when they went inside Super Buu and detransformed! Then, the galactic patrol brought back out the Great Lord of Lords memories in Buu and he temporarily switched out with Buu during the Moro Arc. Then theres a whole realisation scene quickly after the Great Lord of Lords comes out that "Hey, Kid Buu's reincarnation has my powers". That's called foreshadowing.

So pretty much, if Vegeta didn't crush the Potara Earring, who knows what would happen to Kid Buu? Would he be reincarnated as Uub still, would he not reincarnate? Who knows!

So, lets go over what this talk has pretty much said. The Buu saga's three big issues in my opinion are Goku's Attitude, Gohan himself and VEGETA BEING ABSOLUTELY STUPID AND CRUSHING THE POTARA! But, these issues are overall detrimental to the rest of the Buu Saga and most of Super, especially that last problem! In fact, if Gohan never unlocked SSJ2 in the Cell Games and didn't become drunk on power, the Buu Saga would probably happen incredibly differently, to the point that Moro would probably have exploded! But that last point is for another day. Cause right now, I'm gonna go and celebrate not having to do anymore GCSE's! In fact, I probably have already done my GCSE's. I dunno! I'm pre-writing this just in case I am celebrating. Or asleep from celebrating, ha ha!

Anyways, that'll be all from me, so for now. Chao!



Next up

ooga booga. i am steve the ghost. i am here again to tell you that fruppet should be making his return tommorow, if not later. expect him to make a post about it.

anyways do you like my top hat? its very blue

Still no game-breaking bugs.

I think I've done it guys. I've become a reasonable Game Developer.

Now if you'll excuse me I got a Manor to Takeover.

12:00 PM BST

Be there or be Square.

And this time, I know for a fact that the game is at the very least not full of bugs that hinder it.

exactly how I wanted to wake up today. cheers man

Okay, the game hasn't been immediately worsened by the fact there was like countless bugs. There was only one bug that I didn't know. Doin' better than Time Shift's release day, hell yeag

I finished off those small details and such. I even actually bug tested the game. All the achievements are obtainable, all the nights are playable.

As said, Phone Calls aren't in, but I'll be leaving a little note thing in the game for yall.

It's time.

something something, squares.

I didn't post it in the communities like a fool. Thats just what taking a break does for a man.

good nap

Five Nights at Wario's: Mcroy Manor Takeover

Devlog #2

OK. Now the game is available to play. Any bugs, just report them here, etc. etc.