4 years ago

The contest has ended! Later I will select some winners!(yes winners instead of "winner" because I decided to have a top 3 submissions + some people who would have gotten on, but didn't because of someone else, A.K.A honorable mentions)



Next up

here's a cholccy milk because your epic

(oof the colors reset) ok, an updated version! Ask in the comments if you want to be in. New People featured:

me when everyone is arguing about javi but I just wanted to check GJ

Painted this quick lil' Kirby back in 2015 for a daily challenge. I always thought it was adorable when Kirby would copy the sleep ability in Kirby's Adventure, one of my favourite games on the NES! :)

explain the problem here



My submission for @the_gaming_creeper 's contest!

dang, I wish that water mark wasn't there. Anyway here is the holy list, you can ask to be in in the comments. People featured rn(ignore how I accidently put 2 of my pfp, idk how that happened):

I have joined!

even tho i did this some time ago still i had to

@the_gaming_creeper as monster kid