10 months ago

the context blew it's stack

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penis joke very funny (not)

Coming Soon Peoples!

the "clone" couldn't be contained

HE has escaped HE is trying to take over HE is uncontrollable HE is not to trifled with if you ever see HIM.... run and never EVER look back....

first jolt tower doodle ever drawn (they were made in a private fireside) (they were before s0b got the idea of jolt tower, i had the idea first)

the context for this is hiding in a sombrero (and no, this is no racial stuff)

real spongebob

OH MY GOD IS HE SMO--- fun fact: this is me almost every week


Deviled Eggs Part 2 WIP (please tell me what you think in the comments)

every person who says "AWOOGA" on this post, gets my respect