The develop start in 9 months ago, I have planned make a fangame with the valuable aspect of Undertale game style with new characters, scenarios, lore, etc.
Why my Fangame is taking?
Well because I'm working this project most lone, the codirector is the artist conceptual but is very low the number members of the develop of the Fangame, and I'm taking class in the University about of systems engineering and for the homeworks of the school that a barrier of advance in the Fangame
I need developer members for the Fangame develop, and make this Fangame faster
I'm taking class in my University, and for this the develop is more slow
How many time, you need launch the DEMO?
Maybe 1.6 years or more for low developer members
What performance you use, and you use some engine?
Game Maker Studio 2, and yes I use Undertale Engine by TML
What roles is available for the developer members?
Music composer
Tester beta
Translator (Is for translate the game)
Art conceptual maker
Do you have a Discord server?
Yes I have, but in PRE ALPLHA phase, because I need moderate and make very good the rules, but If you like join for get the admin or coadmin role, I'm so glad for join in the moderation
Well it's all for now, I wait my project have future, because I like make a new concept, and get support for the develop, and yeah I don't like overexploit the Fangame for not stain the Undertale image
So I thank you for your attention of this information about of the develop
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