Drop dead ruinous, Or abbreviated as the "DDR" is a Hi-Tech laser rifle manufactured as a rebellious weapon by Piamond correctional facility inmate "Aika Wilkins".
In Aikas stealing days, she took Kapis danceboard and torn it apart for parts. she wanted to create a weapon for defense after someone threatened to murder her. However she didn't want to go get a regular weapon, she wanted something to turn them into red mist.
The D.D.R consists of an disassembled M16 platform using 2 seperate heated modules via magazine, basically, you would insert one Triple A battery and it would be ready to fire while the magazine would also be used to create more strange combinations.
The claw-barrel on the gun would be able to be used as a melee if used properly.
Facts about the gun unrelated to terminus/all of me
The DDR was originally going to be added in breakout as an exclusive wonder weapon, however you can actually get it by playing voidgate.
This is actually the first wonder weapon ever made by me, it's quite a no shit Sherlock moment that it's based off of kapis danceboard.
I was originally going to see if DDR would make it to a roblox clone called "Rzombies" but later I changed my mind due to other maps being selected