4 years ago

The final part of Sideways Stories From Wayside School is gonna premiere today!





Next up

#comicdub #kadencaverns My first comic dub for a comic I created besides that Charcoal Rabbit Tales Trailer.

#comic #mythorealms

A collection of two 1-panel strips set in the MythoRealms featuring various characters from the public domain with my characters.

#comicdub #kadencaverns

A comic I made featuring The Reluctant Dragon and Baxter Bear of Kaden Caverns. Baxter is a janitor. Made this one a comic dub again because the last video had it and it blew up getting more views than usual.

Made an animation for my closest friends <3 their gj accs linked in the article (not all) https://youtu.be/0sAGB9OETiQ?si=Uv9Z3OnsdkLtmQQd

Something I created for my younger brother's birthday a week ago. I made this on the day of his birthday and couldn't find the time to post this. Benedict is Charcoal's younger brother who's based on my younger brother. #birthdaycard #art

Bounce it animation meme!!! that was a speedrun lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpjO8HojmUI

Kaden Caverns 2024-12-15

#comicdub #kadencaverns Another Kaden Caverns 1-Panel strip. This one has Sam comforted by Lupauline.

Charcoal Rabbit Tales: Paintime Playtime #comic #charcoalrabbit

Outro absolutely ruined!!

COME AND SAY HEY ON THE NEW VIDEO: https://youtu.be/lWRz32tdI98?si=WNsTw7AGP6-msVWS

#comic #homework

This comic has Charcoal and Clawson being assigned homework they became excited for without actually understanding what the assignment was.