
2 years ago

The final results! (read article for results)

8 voters forgot to claim their copy of Codename Crystal and missed out (5 claimed their copies), 1 voter wasted their vote on an option that was filler and I'm not actually going to follow through with, 5 voters wanna hear some more banger songs, and 3 voters don't know. 8+5 = 13, +1 = 14, +5 = 19, +3 = 21.



Next up

LMFAO good. thon/xe pronouns looking ass

Guess I forgot to post, but uh, thanks for 2.5k+! Road to 3k is gonna be exciting.

bruh how. Pinori is literally set as fucking unlisted HOW IS THE PAGE ALMOST AT 2.8K VIEWS

Update on the new PB for "views in one day", it's now 27. Thanks again, I hope to beat this record!

Update: let's try to get that going on itch, it's def not happening on GJ now lol

Update 2: Well now it's not happening on either.

Thanks for a new personal best of 25 views in one day!

finally she lost her checkmark. how long has it been like that

do I fucking know you? I can say whatever the fuck I want to someone that fucking blocked me for no reason. also stop acting like you're the shit. you're not. also, whatever the HELL you're on about about n*des and shit, seek help. that's not true.