Hey guys
I don't know if many knew it, but this game was going to start a remake triology from the original fnaf ultimate edition games; remastering fnaf ue 1, 2 and 3.
But things have changed.
I have decided to cancel these sequels, at least temporarily.
I am no longer motivated to make them, they would have required a lot of time and work that I no longer want to dedicate to games like these.
They may come back in the future, but only if the first game is received well and most importantly, if I am motivated.
I had very solid ideas for these 2 games,
and I think it's right to show them here.
I won't reveal much, in case i want the games to come back.
But I don't think i will.
Fnaf ultimate Edition 2: The remnant facility.

30 years after the events of the first game, a horror attraction based on the strange rumors of hauntings and paranormal activity of freddy's is announced to the public.
The location will feature both old relics of the past, and a new set of creepy robots all ready to jump out they're curtains to scare the crap out of all the guests!
Just a cool and funny place to poke fun at what the people thought of the brand after his decay.
Or is it?
This was going to be a really scary kind of game:
The gameplay was going to be a one room semi-freeroam like in fnaf 4, the location would have been claustrophobic technological environment, similar to fnaf sister location and alien isolation mixed in with wired and strangely nostalgic liminal space imagery.
Terrifying animatronics approaching you in an eerie way and mechanics based primarily on the fear of the unknown with very limited resources.
Game remains:

(Unfinished rotten bonnie model)

(Semi-complete ballora teaser)

(Really unfinished office door)
Fnaf ultimate Edition 3: the grand reopening

You, Jeremy Fitzgerald, are looking for a summer job.
And there is a local pizzeria with animatronic mascots that needs a night guard.
The job consists of sitting for 6 hours straight looking at some cameras.
What could go wrong?
This was going to be a fun and mysterious kinda of game:
The atmosphere would have been reminiscent of fnaf 6 pizzeria simulator and both have the same feel of the new era of fnaf games like security breach and help wanted.
The big twist here is that after having to survive the night, you would have been able to play as the manager of the pizzeria and customize it like in fnaf 6, affecting the gameplay later that night.
It's a bit ambitious, but it would make a really fun and replayable game wouldn't it?
With this game I wanted the player to have fun and discover everything about they lore of the triology by making his own decisions; concluding everything while having a good time.
No game remains
just some test renders.

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