SlendyTubbies III: RPG Remake
5 years ago

The full description of the game is here!


This is an UnOfficial remake of SlendyTubbies III in RPG Maker VX ACE with new content and more! There is also an Extra menu (in the Chapter Selection) with a Collect Mode with new maps, a Survival Mode (that is pretty different from the original game) and Other stuff!


After Tinky Winky became a monster and killed his friends, You, The Guardian, needs to find help in the satellite station where you will be able to contact other Teletubbies. Along the way you will pass trough obstacles, Custards... It's up to you to find the truth. This is a remake of the original game but with one brand new ending (and sadly one ending from the original game scrapped).


Travel through 17 Maps to collect a certain amount of Custards but beware, there is 1 or a few monsters out there. In certain levels, there are hidden fan arts that aren't related to the game just for fun.

List of the maps:

-Main Land Day

-Main Land Dusk

-Main Land Night

-Satellite Station

-Outskirts Day

-Outskirts Night



-Secret Lair

-T17 Location

-Training Maze

-Blue Room

-White Blood Location

-TOGETHER Location

-Purple Room

-The Dream

-Custard Party (Custard Facility)


Go through four levels in different dificulties and fight of the monsters in a certain amount of waves. Each levels have 1 (or 2) Mini Bosses and a Boss.

List of the Levels:

-Tinky Winky



-Arrow Tubby



Chapter Zero: "It was Good" 100%
Chapter One: "A New Day" 100%
Chapter Two: "The Journey" 100%
Chapter Three: "Run Away" 60%

???: 0%

Collect: 100%

Survival: 100%


-Characters: 100%

-Maps: 100%

-Enemies Info: 100%


Chapter 0: September 26, 2018
Chapter 1: January 15, 2019
Chapter 2: May 31 2019
Chapter 3: August 19, 2019

Complete Edition: August 19, 2019

#rpg #st #slendytubbies #fangame #horror



Next up

3 Custards Remaining...

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