Starilign Journey
6 months ago

the full game of it might be released on steam (if i manage to get one) since i don't know how to feel about havinga paid full game here and what if there would be added updates to it that you have to pay it agian



Next up

the first planet which will appear in the demo where you first start off with, Toyland along with the Jumping-frog Power-up


got a Mochi plushie

hello Mochi (also that is what the back of her collar looks like)

Starilign Journey - Title Screen soundtrack

welcome to another Starilign game page of Starilign Journey, a second game in progress

Mochi now have pink hearts under her paw hands

dvd volume 1, remade the flowers

I am quite suprised how much Mochi's designed have evolved, the first image is her old design while the second one is her current

happy halloween and happy birthday Emily Darkness!