4 years ago

the funtimes vs the league of evil chapter 10

Narrator: william’s spirit rose from the rubble seeing the remains of what used to be his body, he took a while sat down and really thought about things.

William: Oh I’m gonna get chara back for this I’m gonna do… something...I’m gonna...I’m gonna……………..I know what I’m gonna do

Narrator: william got up and flew over to the league of evil base all the way down to the quarters of the D man

The D man: ah william your back, for a second I thought you wouldn't come back

William: well I won’t be here for long I am here to inform you that I am retiring

The D man: really, how surprising. You and I made this league with our own hands are you sure you want to do this?

William: yes, and remember the league's code

The D man: I remember the code

William: say it

The D man: ugh “those who retire shall not be harmed by our plans”

William: that’s right so I don’t want you sending anyone after me

The D man: understood

William: now if you excuse me I am going to gather everyone to tell them of my retiring

Narrator: so william did just that he gathered everyone in a large auditorium and started his speech

William: members of the league of evil I am here to announce that I am retiring


William: yes yes it’s true. You see earlier today I was fighting with chara and in that fight I died … again. But when I exited my body I got to thinking and I concluded that what I started was not what I wanted

Bendy: well what did you want?

William: me and reukra originally started this organization to change the world but that plan was perverted into the world domination that I thought was necessary to change the world for the better… to the point where I did many things I regret. Hell I didn't even want this to become the league of evil I originally wanted this group to be called the league of reformation. Point is that I was wrong and in being wrong I did awful things to people who trusted me and if you excuse me I have a long list of people I need to make amends with.

King dice: but wait who's going to lead us?

William: that is none of my concern you can figure that out but I will not be apart of it

Bendy: and that is where I leave

William: what do you mean?

Bendy: well it was fun when you were leading us but if your telling me that I am gonna have to answer to whatever bozo takes your place nah I’m just gonna quit, besides I am sure I can use my skills for something more productive

William: well I am glad to hear about the change of heart but I have to go so goodbye and… good luck

Narrator: william and bendy went to their offices packed up their things and left but as they were doing so someone else was making an announcement

???: fear not league of evil for I shall lead us to victory as your new leader!

Narrator: everyone turned to see one of the nightmares standing at the podium. His name was plushtrap he was the smartest of the nightmares and was made in william's image, he was short only about four feet tall and was covered with short lime green fur, he had a pair of tall rabbitlike ears protruding from the top of his head and they take up about a fourth of his overall height.

Plushtrap: that's right I will lead you, with my superior intelligence and power I shall lead you and I plan on getting to work right away, luckily william made my job easier by taking out the funtimes, one of our biggest threats and now we move on to the next biggest threat the empress. With her other level powers, infinite wealth, growing influence and the ability to throw a hammer into anyone's plans she must be put to an end and luckily william has already started the process. So my first order of business will be to finish the TW project and use in to put a stop to her meddling with our plans, I will be making something of my own to contribute more to the already laid out plan. You are dismissed

Narrator: while plushtrap and the league began work william and bendy were leaving the hideout for the last time

William: so bendy what are you gonna do

Bendy: well I have a nightclub to run so I’ll probably focus on that or you know I have a friend who just retired and maybe I would tag along with him for a while

William: well that friend would wonder what the rest of your crew would do

Bendy: well I’ll tell them to run the place for a while

William: and your wife?

Bendy: she is always at some other guy’s house anyway it’s fine

William: you sure

Bendy: I’ll call her a couple times a week to check up on her

William: well if you have everything in order than I am sure that friend of yours will have no problem letting you tag along

Bendy: well then would you mind if I--

William: yes you can come along but I have something I need to do alone first so you go and get everything in order while I do this

Bendy: meet me at bendyland when your done

William: you got it

Narrator: so william floated through town for a long time he went farther than the outskirts of town to the middle of nowhere where he found a house, he went inside and looked around, the house was old and withered with a good portion having been reclaimed by nature he looked around and on an desk he found an old picture, the picture had a handsome young man probably in his mid twenties a beautiful woman of about the same age and a small little boy in front of them there was a plaque that read
William Martha and Vincent Afton
William looked at the picture for while and then put the picture down and continued through the house, he made his way to the kitchen, and sitting in the center of the kitchen was a chair, it was old broken and had large dark stains on it, william looked at it and a memory struck his heart forcing him to shed a single tear, he quickly walked past it into the backyard where there was a single gravestone was sitting in the middle the grave read
Martha Afton 1900-1940
William: it was so many years ago but the image still haunts me to this day… oh how I wish I could have you back… however I do not want you to see what I have done.

Narrator: then william saw something rising from the ground it was not something physical because the ground was not moving around it, William watched as the figure rose from the ground in front of him. She then floated towards him and touched his shoulder.

Martha: took you long enough

William: far too long my love

Narrator: the two ghosts grabbed hands and leaned into each other allowing their lips to touch for the first time in over 70 years

William: you know I never knew this would happen but just in case I prepared for it

Martha: oh do tell, tell me everything I missed

William: I have a little private bunker with a little surprise for us

Martha: oh great you can tell me all about what you did while I was gone

William: yea about that I am not very proud of what I did I was a terrible person and did awful things to those who did not deserve it

Martha: It is okay I promise there is nothing you can say that will make me stop loving you

William: alright if you say so

Narrator: the two flew off to william's secret bunker and william told her the long dark bloody story all the way to the point he met back with her

William: there that is what I have done if you hate me now I fully understand

Martha: I don’t hate you, did you do a lot of messed up things yes but all that matters is that you are giving yourself a fresh start to be someone better, and if you think about it you did some pretty incredible things as well I mean you were able to make life out of nothing I mean that is pretty awesome, oh how I would love to met the funtimes and badtimes.

William: yes and I can tell that chara is working on reviving the funtimes right now I just know it

Marta: how

William: I remember chara locking his or herself in that room muttering about a way to reverse their deaths if they were to ever happen and I was never able to get in that room because I could never figure out the password.

Martha: do we always have to refer to chara as a him/her can we just call chara an “it” or something

William: how about a “them” I hear that certain “non binary” people like to be called a them so how about we just use they/them instead

Martha: that works

William: anyway we are here

Narrator: the two of them stopped in front of a metal door in the ground and phased through it. William turned on the lights to reveal to large test tubes in the center of the room both with an inactive body in them

William: I designed them for us in case we would ever meet in a context like this

Narrator: william opened the tube so martha could get a better look at them. One of the bodies was a male, it was 6 feet tall had a well toned body jet black hair and deep blue eyes. The other body was female, it was 5 foot 10 inches tall with bright blonde hair and green eyes with noticeable but not too exaggerated “features”.

William: well what do you think

Martha: they look beautiful

William: I am glad you think so, I even put in a few modifications to make them even better

Narrator: william then went into the male body, it began to stand up and look around

William: come on give it a try

Narrator: martha followed after william’s lead and did the same

William: come on let me show you a few things these new bodies can do

Narrator: the two stepped outside and william started to show off a few of his powers. He started by taking a few steps back and he began to sprint really fast so fast that he was able to make ten laps around a mile long stretch in twenty seconds.

William: how about to give one of your powers a try, tap your arm a few times

Narrator: she did just that and to her surprise a stick flew out of her palm

William: try waving it around a bit

Narrator: she waved the stick around and the tip of it caught fire, she thrust the stick forward and a fireball flew from the stick

William: well what do you think

Martha:it is quite astounding

William: that wand can cast a large variety of “spells” the fireball one is one of the basic ones don’t worry I can teach you some of the others

Martha: hey why does my back feel so uncomfortable

William: here let me see… ah here we go

Narrator: william brushed the back of martha and two large feathery wings popped out of her back

William: I designed these so you could fly, obviously. Want to give it a try?

Martha: but what if I fall?

William: don’t worry

Narrator: martha focused and started to flap her wings and soon she was able to get off the ground, she flew high into the sky but a gust of wind messed with her balance and she started to fall, william’s hands and feet turned into powerful boosters and he flew up and caught her

William:see nothing to worry about

Martha: can we continue this another time?

William: sure get on my back

Narrator: so she did and he started running off. With william's newfound speed william was able to get back to bendy’s nightclub in a few minutes

William: were here
Martha:so this is where bendy is

William: yep

Narrator:they went inside where they were greeted by bendy himself

Bendy: hello how may I help you?

William: bendy it’s me william

Bendy: really! What happened to you

William: well I found a new body to use what do you think

Bendy: quite nice, and who is the girl?

William: this is my wife

Bendy: wait you mentioned a wife and how she di-- ooooh I get it

Martha: pleasure to meet you

Bendy: pleasure to meet you too

William: now that we are all here we have some things to do, so let us head to our first stop. onward to the vincent estate!



Next up

hell's hooligans rebooted

betty que origin

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