4 years ago

the funtimes vs the league of evil chapter 2

Narrator: after escaping the clutches of bendy and his crew reukra and baby went back to reukra’s house, the two of them thought about who to ask next.

Reukra: well we had no luck with bendy so I say we try baldi

Baby: who’s baldi?

Reukra: you see the league of evil has its own private school and baldi is the teacher, he is sometimes willing to say a word or two if you get on his good side

Baby: sounds nice. What's the catch

Reukra: it is a little difficult to get on his good side, impossible at times, but we have to try

Baby: alright

Narrator: baby and reukra then went to bed for the night, meanwhile batime ennard and the other funtimes kept on their search for baby, but they came across a problem

Badtime ennard: ah shietze

Empress: what , what is it

Badtime ennard: out of gas

Empress: I got this

Narrator: the empress got out of the car and formed a pair of chains out of gold and wrapped them around the front of the truck. She grabbed each chain and started to pull that truck down the street. While they were pushing down below molten ballora was flying overhead however she could not see through the heavy clouds. She could not even see them right below her. She kept on flying until she found herself above a place she did not want to be, without even knowing. All of a sudden a net flew above the clouds and on top of her sending her plummeting down to the ground, she was caught by somebody and put into a large glass container

???: well well well lookie here. We got ourselves a prize, oh I know what I am going to do with you hehehehehe

Narrator: the next day reukra and baby woke up late but it was all part of the plan

Baby: so why are we going there so late

Reukra: well you see most of the students that attend baldi’s villan school would turn you inside out to say the least, so we are going to come after their classes, when they are not there.

Baby: are they really that bad?

Reukra: yes

Baby: alright if that’s the case

Narrator: later reukra and baby drove up to the school preparing themselves for baldi

Reukra: now listen baby let me do the talking, baldi he… he’s not right in the head so he’s a little hard to talk to

Baby: okay?

Narrator: so after a few hours baby and reukra went down to the league's private school as reukra suspected all of the dangerous students had already left

Reukra: alright baby remember let me do the talking

Narrator: baby and reukra entered the school with caution and walked up to a green door with the words “baldi’s office” written on it

Reukra: okay he should be in here

Narrator: reukra began to open the door he hesitated for a second and then turn the nob and entered. The office was dimly lit with the only light source being a simple desk lamp sitting at the desk was baldi himself. Even though he was sitting down they could tell he was a tall man, the dim lighting made it hard to see him. Without saying a word he reached behind him and turned on a light switch. The room lit up allowing baby to get a better look at baldi. He wore a bright green shirt and what seemed to be brand a new pair of jeans, like his name suggests he was entirely bald with the exception of a singular long hair on the edge of his hairline. He stared forward at the two and it was then that baby realized his most strange trait, he had a thick layer of red lipstick covering his lips, this made baby a little uncomfortable, it seemed like she was going to say something but reukra interrupted her

Reukra: baldi old friend how are y--

Baldi: spare me the bull reukra I know why you’re here you want some information on william’s plan, well if you want an answer out of me you will have to do what all the students have to do, answer three math questions correctly and I will talk but you know what happens when you get them wrong
Reukra: I am aware

Baldi: good whats 7+5

Reukra: 12 and this is stupid

Baldi: no one cares now what is 9+-11

Reukra: -2 can we move this along

Baldi: last question what is (unintelligible)+(unintelligible)x(unintelligible)

Reukra: really your really pulling this card on me

Baldi: answer the question

Reukra: I don’t know how about 0 for how many f#cks I give at this point

Baldi: WRONG

Reukra: well what was the answer then

Balldi: it was (unintelligible)

Reukra: you’re a dick baldi you know that

Narrator: baldi then opened his desk and pulled out a metal ruler he got up and started to slowly walk towards them slapping the ruler in his hand with each step

Reukra: oh really were doing this now oh f#ck you, come on baby we gotta run now

Baby: run?

Reukra: yes I hurt his fewings and now he’s pissed. Hey how about you grow a spine baldi maybe then your students would respect you

Baby: lets just go

Reukra: good idea

Narrator: the two of them ran through the hall with baldi far behind however they could still hear the loud slap of his ruler far away, the two of them ran through the maze like schoolhouse until suddenly a little girl walked up to them
Little girl: let’s play!

Narrator: she said while holding out her jump rope

Reukra: not now were in the middle of something

Little girl: let’s play

Reukra: damn it baby play with her for a sec

Baby: okay?

Narrator: she tried to jump rope but every time she jumped she hit her head on the ceiling messing up her jump

Little girl: oops you messed up let’s try again from the top

Reukra: oh for crying out loud give me that

Narrator: reukra began to jump the rope while the little girl counted

Little girl: 1 2 3 4 5. Wow that’s great let’s play again sometime

Narrator: the sound of baldi’s ruler had grown louder now as reukra and baby ran off trying to find an exit when suddenly another student blocked his path

Bully: give me something greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

Reukra: here’s five bucks now piss off

Bully: thanks for the generous donationnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Narrator: they kept on running when they heard an adult yell

Principal: no running in the hall’s

Narrator: however the principal was running at them breaking his own rules to try and get to them, he was gaining on him when suddenly they heard someone yell


Narrator: all of a sudden a giant broom swept around the corner

Reukra: on the wall!

Narrator: the broom swept past them and took the principal with it however the slapping of baldi’s ruler slapped louder than it had ever before. Reukra and baby ran off but then a strange machine in front of them

Baby: what is that

Robot: Iamcomingforyouhereicome

Reukra: on the wall (again)

Narrator: the robot rushed past them and even pushed back baldi who had just turned the corner, they ran and ran until they were so close to the exit but then a sentient sock puppet just appeared from nowhere in front of them, they stopped and the sock stared at them and then without warning he rushed forward with it’s mouth agape once it ran into the two they were suddenly transported to the middle of the school with baldi close behind

Baby: I got an idea

Narrator: baby ran forward past baldi and rammed through the wall the wall crumbled down revealing the outside world, baldi was at the peak of his anger and ran toward baby but reukra kicked baldi in the back of the leg tripping him. Reukra rushed past him and through the broken wall. Baby was waiting at the car, reukra unlocked the car and they both jumped in and drove off full force

Baldi: YOU COWARD COME AND FACE ME LIKE A MAN and he’s gone damn

Principal: no swearing in front of the children

Baldi: don’t start with me!

Reukra: woo hoo we made it ha we showed baldi what for huh

Baby: sure did

Narrator: reukra and baby drove off (and maybe got a bit of victory ice cream) they went back to reukra’s house they had a big bulletin board with pictures of all the league of evil members pinned to it bendy and william’s pictures were crossed out with sharpie, reukra walked up to the board and crossed out baldi’s picture.

Reukra: okay so bendy and baldi were a bust so I say that our next mark should be specimen 9 He is behind bars so he should be easy to talk to
Baby: well you know more than I do

Reukra: Okay then it’s settled we leave first thing tomorrow

Narrator: so while baby and reukra got ready for bed, the other funtimes were finding a place to sleep

Badtime ennard: hey you know vat I just realized

Empress: what

Badtime ennard: ve have not checked on ze ozer funtimes yet

Empress: ah crap

Narrator: they opened the back of the truck to absolute chaos everyone looked like they were about to kill each other

Empress: what happened here

Everyone: it’s oliv’s fault

Funtime oliv: oh real mature guys

Unnamed: you breathe toxic gas, of course it’s your fault

Bon bon: yea me and fred fred had to make holes in the ceiling

Fred fred

Empress: well it is good to see that your okay

Badtime bart: ya well where are we gonna sleep eh because I am not sleeping in this car with all o ye

Empress: I have an idea

Narrator: they pulled up to a hotel and the empress signed them in

Empress: I request your largest room please

Attendant: alright how will you be paying

Empress: cash

Narrator: the empress proceeded to pull out large wads of cash from under her armor that she had stored away

Attendant: alright here's your room key and your room should be on the top floor

Empress: thank you

Narrator: while the empress and the other funtimes got settled into their room something far more sinister was brewing back at the league of evil HQ

Bendy: hey guys get this reukra and baby are going around trying to get info on this big plan of ours they asked me about it last night

Baldi: yea me to, they came in and trashed the school today

William: we cannot allow them to get any further we must put a stop to them at once

Narrator: all of a sudden the door to the room flew open and king dice walked in with a big smile on his face

William: what’s got you so happy

King dice: oh nothing much it’s just that I managed to bag two funtimes in one go

William: WHAT!

King dice: yea I was testing out some of the new equipment and I was using the net gun when I saw her flying overhead so shot my net at her and brought her down. Then I threw her into a unused fish tank and sealed her in. it was only then I realized that the wiry one was fused with her. Now my only problem is finding out how to separate them

William: well how about you give them to me, take your 200 grand and not worry about them anymore

King dice: I’ll take 100 grand, I want to keep the girl for a while. My casino can use a new “attraction” hehehe.

William: really? Well if you wish. Come on I got an idea.



Next up

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