4 years ago

the funtimes vs the league of evil chapter 4

Narrator: that night reukra thought about king dices offer and decided to go to the casino later that night

Reukra: alright baby were going to the casino

Baby: aren't I a little too young for that

Reukra: king dice will overlook that part

(ding dong)

Reukra: hell- oh hey patricia you got another blueprint for us

Patricia: Why yes I do, I got it from bendy’s nightclub luckily bendy was not there so it was a lot easier

Sammy lawrence: Quickly find the girl I can’t let my lord bendy find out that his blueprint was stolen

Patricia: yea I have to go for a while, Sammy caught me stealing that and has been chasing me around all-day

Reukra: well thanks for the help

Patricia: gotta go bye

Narrator: reukra went back inside and took a quick peek at the blue print but was interrupted by someone else knocking on the door

Reukra: yes

Sammy lawrence: hello traitor reukra did you see a little girl run past here a minute ago

Reukra: wow I knew you were creepy but really, kids

Sammy lawrence: I am not into kids it's just that that little girl stole something from me

Reukra: well if it's that serious then yea I did see one

Sammy lawrence: really where

Reukra: she went that way

Narrator: reukra pointed to the opposite direction from where patricia had ran

Sammy lawrence: thank you traitor reukra you are too kind

Reukra: hey just a heads up my first name is not traitor so don’t call me by it

Sammy lawrence: yeah sure whatever got to go

Narrator: sammy left and ran in the direction reukra pointed in

Reukra: baby do you have your disguise on

Baby: (from upstairs) yes

Reukra: then get down here and let's go

Narrator: baby went down the stairs in her bodyguard disguise. They left the house and drove down to king dice’s casino

Reukra: now this place is a little sketchy so do exactly as I say ok

Baby: got it

Narrator: they walked up to the casino entrance where king dice was waiting for them

King dice: well I’ll be damned I didn't think you’d show up

Reukra: well we didn't have anything better to do

King dice: and I see you brought your...boyfriend?

Reukra: bodyguard, you guys did not appreciate me “leaving” so I hired someone for extra protection

King dice: understandable, what's “his” name

Reukra: bradley

King dice: mmm hmmm well the craps tables are open if you want to take a roll

Reukra: I don’t see why not

Narrator: reukra and baby gambled for the next couple of hours losing more money than they were gaining until king dice went on a large stage in the back

King dice: ladies and gentlemen the other night I was out with a few friends of mine and you know we had a bit of fun we were testing out a net gun we got as a gag gift for a friend when we saw something flying through the air, so I shot at it and this is what we caught.

Narrator: the floor beside him opened and a large cage was raised from the hole inside that cage was ballora, her hands (all four of them) and her legs were chained to the sides of the cage, she had a piece of duct tape covering her mouth and a blindfold over her eyes. The only movement she was able to make were helpless struggles. There was a gasp from the audience and king dice had gone quiet to let the audience filter their reactions.

King dice: that is right I went out and caught me one of them funtimes, now you might be asken “ mr dice man why are you showing this thang here to me now” well I will tell you why. As you know when I turn her in I will get a large sum of prize money, and do you know what I am going to with that prize money, well it's all going right to the slot machines so now all my casino patrons you can win even more money when going to kind dices casino yes you will and that my friends is a dice man guarantee.

Narrator: with that, the cage was lowered back down and king dice disappeared into backstage while back there one of his workers went up and asked him

Worker: are you really going to use the prize money for the slot machines

King dice: of course not I was just saying that so these suckers will be more likely to spend their money here

Worker: oh

King dice: now where is my coffee

Worker: sorry

Narrator: back in the main area reukra and baby knew they had to do something

Baby: we have to do something!

Reukra: I agree but I am not sure what

Baby: I’ll tell you what we need to go backstage and get ballora from them

Reukra: yea but maybe that is what king dice wants, think about it he invites us here to his casino on the same day he reveals ballora to everyone it seems a little too convenient

Baby: maybe but I am not going to sit here and do nothing while they do who knows what to her

Reukra: alright we’ll sneak into backstage but if this is a trap I have full right to say I told you so

Baby: sure whatever let's go

Narrator: reukra scanned the area and found the door to backstage, it was being guarded by a large employee reukra went up and distracted the guard pretending to be drunk while baby snuck into the door behind him. After a bit of drunk talk, the guard got tired with him and dragged him into backstage ( they had a separate exit in through backstage that connected to a bus stop on the other side of the building that they use specifically for drunks) once the guard walked through the door baby hit him on the head and knocked him out

Reukra: alright let's look for her but be careful and stick with me

Baby: got it

Narrator: they snuck their way through backstage hiding from the employees until they found a flight of stairs going down

Reukra: this must be where they are keeping her

Narrator: they crept down the stairs into a dark room with the cage in the center

Baby: ballora!

Narrator: baby reached in and pulled the duct tape off of her mouth

Ballora: baby run it’s a tr--

???: hehehe

Narrator: all of a sudden something dropped down from behind them

Reukra: I told you so

???: hehehe on the flip of a dime it is mr chimes

Narrator: baby and reukra turned around and saw a giant robotic cymbal monkey with a claw attached to his back with a wire wrapped around it rising up into the darkness, mr chimes knocked them down and jumped into the air, the claw on his back raised him up into the darkness, he then dropped down again but this time he barely missed reukra and baby by a few inches, before he could get back into the air baby drew her claw and launched it at him and it ended up grabbing one of his legs. Mr chimes jumped back into the air again with baby attached but when he saw baby grabbing on he started clashing his cymbals together and with each clash a few beams of energy spouted out of the cymbals and bounced off the walls. He then dropped down and shook baby off of him. Reukra pulled out his handgun and started to shoot at it but the bullets completely missed. Baby the launched her claw again this time grabbing the wire holding the monkey up, she started to move her claw back and forth sawing at the cable. Eventually, the wire snapped and mr chimes fell, he tried to get up but he was too clumsy to get back up. They then ran toward balloras cage, reukra pulled a lock pick from one of his pockets, and began working on the lock. But then the door to the room closed and gas started to fill the room.

Reukra: that...that asshol--(passes out)

Baby: uhhhhhhh-(passes out)

King dice: hehehe worked like a charm

Narrator: After the gas cleared out king dice and a few workers took the now unconscious baby and reukra and put them in cages similar to the one that held ballora.

Ballora: you're going to pay for this

King dice: no william is going to pay… $200,000 for bringing him the last two funtimes. Alright boys, LOAD EM UP!

Narrator: ballora reukra and baby were loaded up into a truck and were driven to a secret area underneath william's house. Inside they were brought through a series of underground roads until they reached william's office.

King dice: oh willy

William: don’t call me willy

King dice: whatever, I have good news

William: what is it

King dice: well I managed to separate ballora and ennard he is waiting in one of the chambers by the way

William: Good to hear

King dice: I am ready to turn in ballora for the prize money

William: I will pay you in the mourning

King dice: and finally I captured reukra and the last funtime of which I want payment for

William: oh my that is great news! Bring them to the holding chambers and you will be paid in the mourning

King dice: excellent

Narrator: king dice brought them down to the holding chamber where most of the other funtimes were being held. William walked around his office for awhile pacing back and forth letting his victory sink in. he then opened a door connected to his office, behind the door was a flight of stairs which he went down to get to the lower parts of his underground chambers. He went down a hallway and at the end of that hallway was a room, the room had a moat of magma surrounding a chamber in the center and in that chamber was the empress still trapped in her cement trap.

William: hello empy

Empress: don’t call me--

William: don’t care, I just need some cash so…

Narrator: william pulled out a dagger and cut into a section of the empress’s arm and he let her golden blood drip into a bucket

Empress: you may damage my body as much as you like but you will always be in a worse state than me

William: well yeah you're completely right I mean I am literally falling apart at the seems both physically and mentally

Empress: if you are this aware of this then why do you continue to do this and don’t do anything to change yourself

Narrator: william took a brief pause

William: I am too far in to turn back now to continue is the only option, and besides even though you may not see it but this is for the good of everyone

Empress: if you keep going down this path you will only end up burning for your crimes

William: oh shut up, what do you know

Empress: more than you think

Narrator: william stormed out of the room bucket in hand and slammed the door to her room behind him. He went through a few more hallways before making it to ennards holding chamber

William: well well if it isn't the very first funtime, you will be mighty useful in our plan.

Ennard: I will never help you

William: correction you will never help me willingly

Ennard: yeah?

William: that is why I am going to have to introduce you to my boss

Ennard: I thought you were the boss?

William: well you see my boss can’t physically exist in this world for long periods of time but that does not mean he cannot be seen heard or felt

Ennard: what kind of wired sh--

Narrator: all of a sudden one of the walls in ennard's chamber opened, there was nothing but darkness until suddenly a pair of large yellow eyes and a mouth smiling with a full set of sharp teeth

???: Hello ennard, I have been waiting for you

Ennard: who are you… what are you!? And why do you seem so familiar

The D man: I go by many names but you may refer to me as the D man, and memory can be easily distorted

Ennard: wait what? The D man? That is a stupid name

The D man: I would watch your tone little man I can do things you didn't know were possible… for example

Narrator: a long furry arm reached out of the darkness grabbed ennard and dragged him into the darkness, there was screaming for a while until it stopped. Ennard walked back out but he was… different. All the color in his body grew darker, his eyes were hollow, his wires were wriggling around at a much faster pace, and his mask had changed from round and white to red and pointed on the edges.

The D man: he has been fully corrupted, he shall cooperate with us now

William: good I shall set up the next phase of our plan tomorrow

The D man: excellent, now if you excuse me my power grows weak and I must return to my domain

William: until next time

Narrator: william walked through the halls once more until coming into a large dark room. He turned on the light to see a group of his newest creations sitting in a circle.

William: hello nightmares

All: good evening

William: my plans are going swimmingly and soon you all will get your time to shine. But for now, I need the power of nightmare chris

Nightmare chris: do you need to use my powers once more

William: yes

Nightmare chris: alright then

Narrator: nightmare chris was one of the most powerful of williams new creations of which he refers to as the nightmares. Nightmare chris was extremely tall and thin to the point where his ribs break through his skin and poke out, nightmare chris spends several hours or even days in a deep state of meditation so much so that he does not notice the condition of his body. He had short arms and long hands with even longer fingers each one curving at the end in the form of a claw. His face appeared to be made of some sort of plastic or clay for it had a clear shine to it, it almost appeared as though he was wearing a mask. He had large black eyes with white pupils in the center, from his eyes were long black “tear” marks that go all the way down to his upper lip. His mouth was always agape and in a permanent smile, even when he talked his mouth did not move. Covering his upper and lower lip was one layer of small pointed teeth. With a snap of his fingers nightmare chris and william were transported to another room in the building.

Nightmare chris: what is it you seek master?

William: I want conformation on my victory

Nightmare chris: as you wish (ahem). Spirits of power spirits of sight show me the things occurring tonight show me the past show me the present and most of all what is ahead show us weather his plan is living or is already dead…

Narrator: after a period of silence nightmare chris sprung to life


Narrator: nightmare chris then went limp until suddenly his eyes and mouth started to glow and he started to speak

Nightmare chris: you will relish in a brief victory before you are burned for your mistakes and never return here

William: you're wrong

Nightmare chris: the spirits have spoken

Narrator: nightmare chris then faded away leaving william alone with his thoughts

William: how did both the empress and nightmare chris say the same thing? This must be some sort of coincidence… I...I am not sure




Next up

I have ascended

So people have been sharing this around

My thoughts

So in my original spy post (link here https://gamejolt.com/p/alright-time-for-the-next-part-if-my-nerf…) I mentioned that I made a specific video for the loose launcher and here it is. Let me know if you want one for LA roulette

I do as the picture guides

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