4 years ago

the funtimes vs the league of evil chapter 5


‘Narrator: that mourning william got to work on his plan, he went down to where the funtimes were being held. He ordered some of the workers to bring them into two separate hallways

William: alright funtimes go to the left badtimes go to the right, chara and reukra will stay here I have plans for them later

Narrator: the workers did just that the funtimes were brought back up to the surface underneath a large stage, their arms and legs were chained and their mouths and eyes were covered with duct tape. Meanwhile the badtimes were brought farther down to an auction room. William went out onto the stage above ground where a crowd was waiting

William: citizens of nowheresville I am happy to announce that all of the funtimes have been captured and detained and now I have called you all here to put this to an end once and for all

Narrator: the cages were then lifted up through a trapdoor for the town to see. Meanwhile bendy specimen 9 and king dice were setting up stands around the stage

William: these monsters will harm us no more after this day

Narrator: with that william pressed a button on a controller and the sides of the cages fell to the ground but their shackles remained. Meanwhile in the holding room chara and reukra were having a little talk

Reukra: I...I'm sorry about what happened

Chara: its fine I don't blame you

Reukra: if anything happens I--

Chara: worst case scenario they die, however even if they do I have a solution,a “just in case” so to speak

Reukra: so you don’t mind if they die?

Chara: oh hell no I would be devastated I mean they are my life… my everything and if they die hehehe william will wish he stayed dead

Reukra: remind me never to get on your bad side

Narrator: back on the main stage william was getting the crowd worked up as bendy specimen 9 and king dice set up their stands

Bendy: stones get your grade A stones here 1 dollar a piece
Specimen 9: get your perfect specimen bricks here 5 bucks a pop

King dice: king dice brand cinder blocks hard to hit but their worth it 10 bucks a block

Narrator: baby could not see what was happening but she could hear them and when she heard them her mind started to race

Baby: stones, cinder blocks, bricks what could they be-- no he wouldn't… would he

Narrator: there was a commotion for a few minutes until it all went silent. All of a sudden baby heard something wiz past her face ,she heard this sound over and over again until she heard the sound of an impact and funtime mange let out a loud yelp and fell to the ground as her glasses broke on the ground

Baby: no...this can’t be happening

Narrator :she could hear ballora struggling to break free as she grunted every time she felt an impact until she too fell to the ground and did not get back up. Whenever funtime oliv was hit in the head there would be a strange “dink” sound as if they were hitting a metal surface after she fell down everyone could smell the exhaust fumes escaping from the cracks left in her face. Once funtime fredric fell bon bon fell with him as if to signify that they were always together. All that was left was baby she could feel each stone and brick hit her but she stayed strong but after a few minutes she began to lose consciousness and right before she fell she could hear william speak in her ear.

William: this is for taking my arm

Narrator: right after he said that she lost consciousness and fell

William: well everyone I am happy to announce that the funtime problem has now been solved and we can leave this dark chapter in history behind us

Narrator: but then people in the crowd started to ask a lot of questions forcing william to stay and answer them, he turned to king dice and told him

William: get these bodies to the secret room and get the auction ready

King dice: you got it boss

Narrator: king dice and a few searchers dragged the bodies of the funtimes back into william's underground tunnels and into a special room

King dice: now off to the auction

Narrator: king dice went down to an auction room where the badtimes were being held

Badtime brandi: hey KD

Fred fred: fred fred

King dice: what is it little girl

Badtime brandi: I want to cash in on that favor you owe me

King dice: what favor

Narrator: badtime brandi pulled out a tape recorder and played it

King dice on tape recorder: yo-you know what yo yo your alllllright “hiccup” I I I I really owe you one you know that

Badtime brandi on tape recorder: so your saying you owe me one favor

King dice on tape recorder: sssure I I I owe ya for paying this HHHuge tab of mine

King dice: alright fine I owe ya what do you want

Badtime brandi: let me outta this cage

Fred fred: fred fred

King dice: ugh fine but only because I don’t think your worth much anyway, also if anyone asks you got out on your own right

Badtime brandi: I could keep my mouth shut for another favor

King dice: are you sure you don’t want to join the league of evil you would be mighty good at it. But fine sure don’t tell anyone I did this and I owe you another favor

Narrator: badtime brandi was let out of her cage and she ran off through the building. she somehow found her way to william's office where his laptop was left open

Badtime brandi: oooh what do we have here

Narrator: badtime brandi looked around his laptop until she found a tab labeled to do list the list read
--corrupt ennard (check)
--kill off the funtimes once and for all (check)
--form the amalgamate
--finish the TW project
--dump most of the nightmares off somewhere (except for the useful ones)
--take the next town over
--change league of evil’s name to league of reformation
--visit martha again

Narrator: badtime brandi was filled with questions like “what does he mean by corrupt ennard”? “what is the amalgamate”? “what is the TW project”? and”who is martha”? But the one thing that hit her the hardest was seeing that the funtimes were dead she was so caught up with herself that she did not hear the door to his office open up.

William: so you break into my office, look on my computer, and search through my private files… well I am sorry but your gonna have to pay

Badtime brandi: uh oh

Fred fred: fred fred

Narrator: badtime brandi jumped from his desk and ran down the nearest hallway with william giving chase however after a while william stopped chasing her for whatever reason. She found her way in a long hallway with a room at the end when she entered the room she saw the empress still in her trap surrounded by a mot of lava

Empress: free me, please

Narrator: badtime brandi ran toward the empress but suddenly william dropped down from the vents right in front of her

William: get away from my fortune!

Narrator: william kicked badtime brandi sending her backwards, he then raised his broken arm with the bone sticking out, the end sharpened with a point. He rushed towards her with the point aimed right for her. She rushed forward as well but when they were about to clash badtime brandi rolled into a ball in between his legs and ran full force to the empress, she jumped up and kicked the ball of cement so hard that it rolled off into the magma.

William: what… have you done!

Narrator: william ran forward and grabbed badtime brandi by the neck and held her above the lava. He stared at her directly in the eyes and dropped her into the pool he began to walk away when the lava when the lava started to bubble and shake he turned around and badtime brandi was standing on a platform of cooled lava that had risen from the bottom

William: but… how

Narrator: then the rest of the lava flowed over the edges and a head emerged from the flames. It was the empress, but she was bright orange with a cape of fire and a crown of lava rock she was controlling the lava around her and she then unleashed a wave of magma towards william. he ran out of the room in panic with the empress quite literally in hot pursuit, while running he pulled out a walkie talkie and called for bendy

William: bendy emergency on the bottom floor bring as many searchers as you can

Bendy: you got it

Narrator: william turned a corner and bendy and company were there waiting

William: take care of this for me will ya

Bendy: no problem

Narrator: the empress turned the corner when bendy and a large group of searchers attacked. When the searchers inky bodies collided with the lava it cooled forming a lava rock. After a few minutes of conflict a wall of magma rock had formed separating them from each other.

Bendy: well crap

Badtime brandi: hey empress I have an idea you stay here and close off all of these hallways so no one follows me, while I go and rescue chara.

Empress: right behind you

Narrator: so they did just that, the empress blocked off the hallways with walls of magma rock while badtime brandi tried to find chara. eventually she did find the room that chara and reukra where being held in

Badtime brandi: ha I found ya

Chara: great but I have one question, are the funtimes ok?

Badtime brandi: um...uh how do I say this… well william he .. uh

Narrator: fred fred jumped onto badtime brandis head and did a little” dance”that made it look like he had been shot and died.

Badtime brandi: yeah that

Chara: there...no...NO?!

Badtime brandi: I’m afraid so

Reukra: ...I..I am really sorry

Chara: no it.. Its fine. -its just f#cking fine….AHHHHHHHHHHH!

Narrator: chara in a fit of rage ripped the bars of off his/her cage, he/she then ripped the bars off of reukra's cage. Chara then ran out of the room at top speed their were guards all along the way but chara was not slowed down at all by them. After a bit of running through the halls chara came across a room being guarded by the league's top members bendy, baldi, king dice, and specimen 9, chara stopped for a second and william's voice came from the speakers

William: did you really think I would not notice you causing a ruckus in my halls? Guys take him… or her or whatever it is out.

Narrator: the four started to walk towards chara getting ready to attack. But chara was too fast for them, baldi threw his ruler and chara caught it and threw it right back at him, it hit him in the head and knocked him out cold. Specimen 9 created pillars of energy to try and crush chara, he/she just ran past them and pulled out a knife before ramming it into 9’s shoulder. Then bendy sent a wave of ink towards him/her, chara started spinning in midair and flew through the ink and above bendy’s head. King dice pulled some razor sharp playing cards from his sleeves and threw them at chara, he/she cut right through them before jumping up and stomping on king dice’s head. After getting past all of them chara entered the room they were guarding, inside the room were the bodies of the funtimes scattered everywhere, standing in the center of the room was greevil, william’s lead scientist and ennard standing next to him.

Chara: ennard?

Greevil: I am afraid he is not quite the same as he was before

Chara: what did you do to him

Greevil: I did nothing but he has changed for the better. Chara I admire you, you were the first person ever to successfully create life, I guess you could say you inspired me to make the badtimes,nightmares, and now the TW project. I must admit I shed a tear when the funtimes were killed, but no matter for ennard holds the key to an ultimate power whose full potential has never been attempted until now. Behold the pinnacle of the funtimes power. BEHOLD THE AMALGAMATE!

Narrator: suddenly all of ennards wires crawled off his body and went into the various parts of the funtimes. They parts pulled together and a body began to form, it took baby’s body and arms however fredric mange and oliv's arms connected to them at the elbow to extend the arms a little further, it took on baby’s legs with the others legs connecting at the knee in a similar way, ballora's four arms connected into two longer ones and attached to its back as well as her wings, it had four hands one with baby’s claw, one with bonbon, and the other two with mange's claws. However even with all of these parts a head was not present until ennard poked his head from the base of its neck, soon ennard tucked his head back inside and out came the heads of all the other funtimes each connected to a few strings of ennards wires, ennard poked his head through the middle taking on the lead, the six heads stared back at him with an evil look in their eyes.

Chara: what have you done to them

Greevil: why have six flawed beings when you can combine them into one big perfect creature

Chara: chara that is not a perfect being that is a monster formed from the parts of what was once perfect

Greevil: well then let me show you what this monster can do

Narrator: greevil thrust his walking stick in chara's direction and the amalgamate walked forward toward chara

Chara: please stop I know you still in there

Narrator: funtime mange's claws thrust forward and cut deep into chara's side

Chara: ah i..its ok

Narrator: one of the hands sent a bolt of electricity towards chara and shocked him/her with several volts

Chara: ow-- ah stop please

Narrator: funtime oliv’s head breathed fire and bon bon shot a laser from his mouth both burning chara severely

Chara: (grits teeth)

Narrator: finally baby’s claw grasped chara and brought him/her up to its face

Chara: don’t..

Narrator: the claw clamped down and cut chara's body clean in half killing him/her instantly, chara's spirit rose from his/her body saw what had become of it and fled.



Next up

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