4 years ago

the funtimes vs the league of evil chapter 6

Narrator: chara’s ghost fled the room down the hall where he/she found badtime brandi and reukra, chara quickly possessed fred fred and began to explain

Chara inside fred fred: guys we need to get out of here

Badtime brandi: whoa you can speak!

Chara: no it's me chara

Reukra: what?

Chara: listen the funtimes have been morphed together into some sort of monster and they killed me, then I became a ghost and possessed fred fred

Badtime brandi: well that… stirs up conflicting emotions

Chara: I know its a lot to take in but we need to get out of here

Badtime brandi: but what about the other badtimes

Chara: no time but don’t worry I will get someone to get them

Badtime brandi: good because they owe me money

Narrator: then something big was about to turn the corner

Reukra: what is that?

Narrator: it turned the corner to reveal that it was merely the empress back in her basic gold form

Empress: oh hey glad I found you

Reukra: good to see you made it out

Chara: good to see you too but we need to leave

Empress: I agree I don’t know how much longer my walls can hold them off

Narrator: just then bendy and a group of searchers turned the corner

Bendy: there they are! get them!

Narrator: they all ran through the building until they found the exit and left from there, luckily it was raining outside so bendy and his crew were not able to follow them

Reukra: great we escaped where do we go now

Chara: I know where, to the vincent estate!

Reukra: and how do you expect one of the biggest billionaires in the country to help us

Empress: well know one knows how he really got all of that money (wink)

Reukra: wait so you were the one who supplied his fortune

Empress: yes with my gem based abilities were able to give him quite the lot to sell

Chara: plus vincent is one of my closest friends

Badtime brandi: yea yea we get it your miss moneybags now how are we going to get the badtimes back

Chara: I have a plan, reukra can I borrow your phone

Reukra: yes sure

Narrator: chara typed up a number and called bookworm and valliant

Valliant: hello

Chara: yes it’s me chara

Valliant: what happened to you, you just left us behind

Chara: yes I am sorry but I need you two to do something

Valliant: yes what is it

Chara: the funtimes and badtimes were captured and the badtimes are about to be auctioned off, and I need you to buy them back

Valliant: ok can I borrow a loan from the empress to give me more staying power

Chara: sure meet us at the vincent estate as soon as you can

Valliant: got it

(hangs up)

Chara: there got it now let’s go

Narrator: they ran across town for about an hour before finally making it to vincent’s grand estate, they rang the doorbell and vincent himself answered

Vincent: um how may I help yo-- oh empress... and others it is so great to see you again

Empress: it is great to see you too but we need your help

Vincent: of course, what with

Chara: well…

Vincent: chara? Is that you?

Chara: yes yes it’s a long story that would probably take two and a half books to explain

Vincent: well what is your big dilemma

Narrator: chara explained (briefly) what had happened and who reukra was

Chara: and so we need to stay here and find out what to do

Vincent: of course you are always welcome here

Empress: great I have been dying to see my room and mr snuggles again

Reukra: wait who is mr snuggles?

Badtime brandi: the empress’s cat that she won’t shut up about on facebook

Empress: It is not just an ordinary cat it is a liger I spent obscene amounts of money on it so you will refer to it as its proper species

Badtime brandi: whatever

Vincent: yes she paid every expense for that liger and it has been very moody since you left

Narrator: everyone went to areas of the house that were familiar to them the empress went back to her room to catch up with her pet and badtime brandi went to see vincent's children. Vincent had quite a few children whose ages range from 6 to 16 normally there was fredric(the leader) brandi,oliv,bart,fred,toy,doll,mange,ben,chris,alfred,cupcake,spring,chris,and terrence. However not all of them were present bart,mange,ben,terrence,alfred,spring,and chris were not present

Chara: hey I notice that not all of your children are here, in fact where are spring chris and alfred I could really use them about now

Vincent: well alfred and the others were out the other day and alfred was somehow hit by a car and he has been in the hospital ever since plus chris and spring refuse to leave his side so they will not be back for a while. As for bart and his scurvy crew they all just ran off with cala about a week ago and never came back

Reukra: who is cala?

Vincent: she is bart's… pet? Um, girlfriend, I don’t quite know which but they are ever apart so take it how you will

Narrator: just then the doorbell rang

Chara: I’ll get it

Narrator: chara answered the door where valiant and bookworm were waiting

Chara: great to see you guys

Bookworm: I say what on earth happened to you?

Chara: hard to explain but we have your loan inside so take it and go

Narrator: and they did just that, vincent had since sat down and started to watch the news

Reporter: breaking news! A pack of wired monsters has begun to attack the next town over, police are trying to stop them but so far all attempts are futile there have already been several casualties and the city is in the process of an evacuation

Narrator: the monsters they were speaking of were the nightmares and in the center of all of them was the amalgamate

Vincent: so that is what the futimes have come too… listen I am really sorry about what my fath- I mean william did to them

Chara: It does not matter now what we need to do is stop them

Vincent: I shall summon my comrades at once and we shall put a stop to them

Chara: and I will try and get in touch with the magician trio to have them show their aid

Vincent: will you not be joining us?

Chara: oh I will I just need to get an old gadget of mine back up and running, but while your fighting the amalgamate don’t aim for the head for if I have any chance of bringing them back I will need their heads intact you hear me

Vincent: got it

Chara: good

Narrator: chara then unposessed fred fred and flew into a room in the far reaches of the house until chara came across his/her old room he/she flew inside and opened a closet to reveal a very helpful tool.



Next up

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My thoughts

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