4 years ago

the funtimes vs the league of evil chapter 7

Narrator: vincent took reukra with him and gathered his most powerful friend of which there was only cody a worker with a robotic arm, this was no normal arm however this prosthetic prodigy product has the power to turn into anything made of metal. Vincent gathered these two and set out to stop the nightmares from attacking the nearby town. Meanwhile chara tried to reason with the magician trio.

Chara: please assist vincent and company in these dire times

Spring: how could we, our brave leader lies unconscious and injured on his hospital bed, oh how could we face such a threat by ourselves

Chara: your magic abilities are strong and will assist in this battle greatly

Chris: but we are the magician trio how could only two of us go out on our own

Chara: you will not be alone vincent and company will be there by your side

Spring: but where could we find a magician to complete our broken trio

Narrator: suddenly spooky walked into the door of the visiting room

Spooky: oh hey chris are you doing okay here

Chris: yes I am fine

Spring: wait you have magical powers right

Spooky: I dabble sure

Spring: chara we have completed our trio

Spooky: wait what?

Chris: chara needs us to fight these big monster things but our power is at its best when we are in a trio but because alfred is unable to go we would be very weak but since your here we can be a trio again

Spooky: big monsters eh well I have been meaning to get all the specimens back in prison where they belong ever since specimen 9 released them so sure I’ll help you

Narrator: meanwhile valiant and bookworm went to williams estate to try and buy up the badtimes however when they were greeted with an empty room they were surprised. King dice was standing there on his phone looking at numbers, he looked up for a second to see valiant and bookworm staring back at him

King dice: can I help you

Valliant: yes I have been told that there was an auction being held here

King dice: well that person lied what we were selling was kept here but the auction was held online we just shipped out all our stock a few hours ago

Valliant: did you sell all of your stock?

King dice: well there's one left (not like he's worth much)

Valliant: we’ll take him

King dice: well I guess it's better than putting em down I’ll give him to you for ten bucks

Valliant: really just ten bucks

King dice: I lowered his price online to as low as twenty dollars but he is so damn useless that nobody would take him for that price

Narrator: king dice lead valliant and bookworm to another room with one lonely cage in the center, inside that cage was badtime bart

Badtime bart: oy well if it isn't king dickhead himself what are ye goin to let me out of this here cage already

King dice: no apparently some sick bastard actually wants to take you for whatever reason

Badtime bart: oh I told ye that someone would want me ye we little twat

King dice: oh just leave already

Narrator: king dice pushed badtime barts cage out to bookworm and valiants truck

Bookworm: hey is there a list of locations where all the other badtimes are being held

King dice: well there is but thats private information

Bookworm: well 50 gold bars says that information will not be private anymore

King dice: (sniff) I knew I smelled gold in the air here’s the list but you got to give me the gold first

Narrator: bookworm handed king dice the gold bars and as promised king dice gave bookworm the list

Bookworm: pleasure doing business with you

King dice: the pleasure was all mine

Narrator: bookworm and valliant drove off bookworm looked at the list

Bookworm: oh my

Valliant: what

Bookworm: the badtimes have been shipped all around the world

Valliant: where exactly?

Bookworm: ok here is the list
Badtime ballora: pedro phile, a drug lord stationed in (address) mexico
Unnamed: woody choopie, owner of a logging company stationed in (address) canada
Badtime ennard: hen tai,owner of a “movie” studio based in (address) japan
Badtime baby: taimian gladiatorius, owner of an underground fighting ring in (address) rome

Valliant: well it looks like we have a lot of work ahead of us

Bookworm: shall we head to the airport

Valliant: first let's drop badtime bart off at the vincent estate

Bookworm: of course

Narrator: so bookworm and valliant went off to drop badtime bart at the vincent estate ,meanwhile in the next town over the real battle was beginning vincent and co, reukra, the magician trio and badtime brandi had just arrived and were ready to face the nightmares

Nightmare chris: oh look it appears some mere mortals are here to stop us

(all laugh)

Vincent: stop this rampage at once
Nightmare alfred: nightmares destroy them!

Narrator: and the battle began reukra, amy and badtime brandi were shooting at them from afar while the empress vincent and cody rushed forward with traditional weapons, and the magician trio were keeping nightmare chris and nightmare alfred busy. The fight raged on for a long time with people going down from exhaustion every once in awhile. However nightmare chris never seemed to tire he had regular chris held in place with his psychic powers.

Nightmare chris: your magic is strong but mine is far stronger

Narrator: nightmare chris started to pull apart regular chris with psychic power while humming an Erie tune. Suddenly a sharp object flew forward and logged itself in nightmare chris's knee

Nightmare chris: ahhhhh

Spring: leave him alone

Nightmare chris: you fool

Narrator: suddenly more sharp objects flew towards him

Nightmare chris: the hell?

Narrator: nightmare chris looked up to see spring and several duplicates of herself standing over him, suddenly nightmare alfred came along and knocked back all of them back, all of the duplicates faded away and the real one got knocked into a building. Spooky ran up behind him and stabbed him in the back with knife, nightmare alfred was not too phased by this and shook her off. He was about to end her when he was hit by a flurry of bullets. Reukra had pulled out his tommy gun and was using it with full force. Out of injury nightmare chris and nightmare alfred retreated by phasing out and teleporting to who knows where. Reukra was standing in front of where they were a little confused until something grabbed him and lifted him up. It was the amalgamate all of its heads were giving him a evil smile except for baby’s head which looked more somber than the others. Reukra was being held by baby’s claw and the other heads made looks and gestures to kill him but baby hesitated as if there was something holding her back. Eventually reukra felt the claw press down on him more and more until something flew in and hit the amalgamate right in the gut. Reukra was dropped to the ground and the object that hit the amalgamate fell to the ground on its feet, it was metallic yet alive with a human form it was light gray with purple accents with red eyes and mouth. Reukra recognized it’s form and knew who it was.

Reukra: chara?

Chara NEO: ohh yes




Next up

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