4 years ago

the funtimes vs the league of evil

(funtime files three)

chapter 1

Narrator: back at reukra’s house baby and reukra are planning on what they should do next

Reukra: alright before I was excommunicated william was talking about some secret plan. Sadly he did not get to tell me anything

Baby: well what are we going to do

Reukra: well I think we should ask the other league members to see if we can get some information luckily I know where they all work so we know where to go

Baby: but what about me people can’t see me or else they will try and turn me in

Reukra: well it's a good thing I have a disguise ready for you

Narrator: reukra pulled out a stack of clothing that included a black suit a fake mustache black sunglasses and a gold watch

Baby: what is this?

Reukra: well this is a bodyguard outfit the plan is to dress you up as a bodyguard so people won’t think your well you oh and I almost forgot

Narrator: reukra pulled out a black fedora and placed it on top of the pile

Reukra: to hide your hair

Baby: oh why do I have to dress up as a boy

Reukra: because (no offense) you have a quite masculine stature and it will add to the effect

Baby: oh fine

One change later

Baby: okay where are we headed to

Reukra: the one who is most likely to give us some info is bendy he owns a nightclub a little while down the street

Baby: okay

Reukra: now when we get there you have to promise you will do exactly as I say okay this is a dangerous game and if we mess up things will not end up well for us to say the least
Baby: alright got it exactly what you say

Narrator: so they walked down the street for about an hour before they came across the club

Baby: bendyland?

Reukra: yea the guy has some ego issues

Narrator: they stepped into the club which was not too crowded they grabbed a seat and looked at the menu. Baby looked up and took a look at the club, the place was rather dirty with ink stains on just about every surface not to mention the lub was a faded white color making the ink stick out even more. In one of the corners there was a tattoo parlor with a sign saying free black and white tattoo with every five alcohol purchases.

Baby: what do they mean by “with every five alcohol purchases.”

Reukra: that is bendy’s way of taking advantage of all the drunks that come out of here

Narrator: baby began to look around and say a group of people getting ready to perform on the stage on the wall to their side however the group was rather strange

Baby: who are they?

Reukra: that is bendy and his crew. Bendy is the short one and the lead singer of the band

Narrator: bendy was indeed rather short in stature he had a small round cartoonish body it long arms and short legs. He had a bowtie at the base of his neck or at least where the base of his neck would have been if he had one. Instead of having a neck hi head just sort of floated his head was in a mostly circular shape except for a little circular chunk out of the top. He had a rather unintimidating face he had large black eyes in that resembled the shape of pac man and it was all topped off by a large cartoony grin

Reukra: the wolf is boris bendy’s best pal and right hand man

Narrator: boris was tall in build he wore a pair of jeans so worn out they they there a yellowish white color and had a few holes in them as well a a pair of overalls equally worn out. As reukra had mentioned he was a wolf with a face that looks so similar to goofy disney could sue him for it the only thing he was missing was the teeth

Reukra: the lady at the piano is alice she is bendy’s wife and a grade a whore mmm hmm she would f#ck anybody for money or information there in what they call an open relationship so I guess it’s okay for them

Baby: how would you know that

Reukra: don’t ask

Narrator: alice towered over bendy being almost twice as tall. She wore a light and long black skirt with heels to match she had long black hair that draped over her shoulders. She had a rather exaggerated chest and it made her look like she’s always trying to seduce you. She wore black lipstick over her thick lips. Sprouting from her hair were two small almost unnoticeable horns and floating above her head was what seemed to be a halo

Reukra: the man on the bottom is sammy lawrence when he is not kissing bedy’s ass so hard he might as well be giving him a rimjob, he is writing the songs that bendy and company sing on the stage

Narrator: sammy had a very similar build and clothing choice as boris, his body always seemed to be flowing and running as if he were surrounded by a liquid of some sort. He also never showed his face for it was always covers but a scratched up and broken mask of bendy’s face

Reukra: the guy with a projection camera for a head is the projectionist or norman as others call him he handles lighting

Narrator: norman was very similar to sammy however he wore no clothes and as reukra stated he had a projection camera for a head

Reukra: and finally the big amusement park ride in the back is bertram bendy’s muscle, if you won’t talk he’ll make you talk

Narrator: bertram was of course an amusement park ride, he had hour arms each with a cart attached he was covered in lights and he would sway his arms back in forth and spin them around to maintain movement. In a window in the center he had a humanoid face but it always displayed an emotion of misery

Baby: what are those on the stage

Narrator: baby was referring the mess of figures putting things together some of them were completely black and looked like the upper body of someone reaching out of a black puddle while others resembled broken cartoon characters

Reukra: those are the searchers and the butcher gang (between you and me) you see there is a reason this place has not been closed down yet is because whenever a health inspector comes and tries to close them down well they are take to this machine in the basement called the ink machine where they are forcefully turned into a searcher or butcher gang member depending on luck it’s sad to think everyone on that stage was at one point a human being with thoughts and feelings and now… they are mere slaves

Baby: why doesn't someone call the police

Reukra: they are given the same treatment… anyway let's not dwell on it for too long let's just get our meal(little tip order the bacon soup it’s the only real food they serve here anything else is a lie)

Narrator: at that point bendy and alice had noticed them and were walking towards them

Bendy: reukra old friend oh it is so good to see you here today you know I almost thought I wouldn't see you again after the whole you betraying everything we stand for ordeal

Reukra: for the record I was not trying to betray you I was trying to direct us back on the path we were originally tak--

Alice: oh dear what's with all the talk, who cares what happened all we want to know is what brings you here, after all you only come here if you want something… or someBODY hehehe

Bendy: so who’s this lad-- I mean gentlemen are you um (whispers) gay

Alice: trust me I would know more than anyone that he is definitely not gay isn't that right reukie

Reukra: please don’t call me that and this is my bodyguard, you know after william beat the ever living crap out of me I decided to hire someone to keep it from happening

Bendy: hmm you have such nice skin sir, some people could say it is BABY soft

Alice: oh I agree (she said while pinching baby’s cheek)

Bendy: listen I we would love to talk a bit more but we have a show to put on. Hey! How about you sing with us on in next song for old time’s sake

Reukra: oh I don’t know I--

Alice: come on you would do me-- I mean do it for me wouldn't ya

Bendy: besides afterwards I might be willing to “accidentally” spill some details about william's upcoming project

Alice: and I might be willing to show a few things myself

Reukra: oh...okay

Narrator: after that they started to walk off but alice turned around and said

Alice: oh and baby keep the hat, it looks good on you hehehe

Baby: what was that?

Reukra: n-nothing it’s fine what we really need to know is how they were able to see you with that disguise on

Baby: well it's not exactly the absolute best disguise ever

Narrator: before they could say another word the lights started to dim and bendy walked out onto the stage

Bendy: hello hello everybody it is I bandy and if you check your watches you can see that it’s 10:00 and you know that here we give a song every hour on the hour so without ado the bendy crew proudly presents the gospel of dismay

Narrator: the curtains rose, alice started to play the piano and a few searchers were playing saxophones

Bendy: let’s hope this time we can get this band back together again

Boris: You join the underground cabaret today

Bendy: (Well hey there, tell me your name)

Boris: You try to run and tell the word, but you're stranded in a darkened cave

Bendy: (Oh Henry, we hate you the same)

Boris: So listen up my friend
There's more that meets the eye
You power up the studio
And bring them to life
Now play the beat that trickles
Through the halls or else your life is nevermore
Don't worry chum, its not the music that dies
Now listen up!

Bendy: Our life support machine
Was brought to life by remarkable hands
Forget about the hell we've seen
The time has come to revive our band

Bertram: So bang the drums to a rhythm
Captivating the beat

Alice: And press the keys on the piano
For the ritual please

Bendy: The song's alive with the night
With your help we'll revive
The devil's advocate
Is staring right through our lies

Alice: You're just returning our old strings tonight

Bendy: I hope you turn on the light now!

Bendy: Can I get an amen in here?

searchers/audience: AMEN!

Bendy: You see the magic of art
It would tear you apart if you knew!
Can I get an amen in here?

searchers/audience: AMEN!

Bendy: This magic is fueled by your heart
But the dreams in his eyes were untrue
He had bigger plans for the band
By demand we came back to this darkened cell
You're gonna break us out of this hell!

We've been stars since the rhythm days
But our instruments have all grown tired
And in the end our only dream was to dance
They took the dance away and we got retired

But that was long ago
We have a new change of face
We've turned it up a couple notches
With a brand new pace
You think they all just erased us
Betrayed us enslaved us
But the deed is done
And now we want to get out!

Now listen up!

Boris: Ain't it nice to be underground
With a good ol friend like me

Bendy: a friend like me yea

Boris: You notice that sign we ain't lying
But sit down and take a seat

bendy : take a seat yea

Boris: There's an exit for sure
But that's for schmucks
But a little bit of ink
And a couple of bucks
We can reopen the curtains
And show off the strut
But for goodness sake

bendy/boris: You gotta just believe!

Alice: You're just returning our old strings tonight

Bendy: I hope you turn on the light now!

Bendy: Can I get an amen in here?

searchers/audience: amen

Bendy: You see the magic of art
It would tear you apart if you knew!
Can I get an amen in here?

searchers/audience: amen

Bendy: This magic is fueled by your heart
But the dreams in his eyes were untrue
He had bigger plans for the band
By demand we came back to this darkened cell
You're gonna break us out!

Sammy: Go to sleep my little sheep
It's time to rest your head
Whether alive or dead
I am the keeper of the key
That will set us all free
I bring the demon back to life
There's a song I sing that shows us the light
Even in the lighter side of hell
We sing with delight
Play the notes that I require
This will please my desire
You have given me the tools
To restart the fire!

Bendy: There's a twisted fate
That controls us and betrays us
My friends have a death wish
And all of this is him to blame!
Now we've brought him to his knees
Your only hope to escape this
Is to embrace this
We need your help
To keep this demon at bay!
Let's end this today!

Bendy: "You're the conductor of this performance now, Henry"
Boris: "Will you take their word, or ours?"
Alice: "Golly, I hope this works!"
Bendy: "You turned on this machine
Now you have to believe"

Bendy: Can I get an amen in here?

audience/searchers: amen

Bendy: You see the magic of art
It would tear you apart if you knew!
Can I get an amen in here?
This magic is fueled by your heart
But the dreams in his eyes were untrue
He had bigger plans for the band
By demand we came back to this world of gray!

Bendy and co: Welcome to the gospel of dismay!

Bendy: Welcome to the gospel of dismay.

Narrator: once the song ended the audience applauded and a few put some change in the jar on alice’s piano bendy came over to reukra and baby

Bendy: alright reukra you have the next one, but while we wait let’s get down to talking

Narrator: bendy escorted them to a room in the basement of the building, while they were going through they passed the ink machine, it was very big with cogs and gears turning on all of its sides, and it had a spout on the front of it that was dripping ink

Baby: so… um if you don’t mind me asking bendy how did you get here I mean what pushed you to being a member of the league of evil

Bendy: oh that is quite a story you see back in the thirties me and my friends were either cartoon characters or the staff that worked there until one day the owner joey drew decided to make the ink machine as a way of literally bringing the characters to life… however after me and boris came out defective they found a new way of making them they would have a “volunteer” get covered in ink and become the character. Alice, norman,bertram,sammy. They all used to be people however one day the ink pipes burst and the entire studio was brought down the only survivors were joey himself who we never heard from again, wally the janitor who was out sick that day and henry the one who first drew me as a character on a page… he quit before things got to intense.

Baby: who were they before they were like this?

Bendy: alice was a voice actress named susie who voiced the character she has become, sammy was the songwriter for all the episodes, norman was ironically the projectionist, and bertram was in charge of building a theme park for the studio however after a heated argument with joey he took his own life and possessed the amusement park ride you see today he haunted the park until it was no longer able to stay open and a hew of the games and rides (including him) were brought back to the studio. And that's how we were until we eventually found our way out in I want to say about the sixties… anyway enough about that let's talk business now reukra I hear you want info and you know I got info I have eyes and ears everywhere you know so here's a deal all the info you want…. For the girl

Reukra: absolutely not

Alice: how about I sweeten the deal (she said while loosening her top)

Reukra: my answer still stands as a resounding no

Narrator: bendy’s “skin” began to bubble with rage

Bendy: now come on reukra come on think of how beneficial this could be for both of us you get all the info you need (and a few “favors” from my wife) and I get thousands of dollars and probably a promotion so please hand over baby

Reukra: no final answer try something else

Bendy: I am sorry but that is the only thing I want I mean seriously you won't even know she’s gone

Narrator: bendy began to slowly morph into a more ghastly form, he grew taller ink poured over his eyes, his never fading grin grew larger his body lost it’s roundness and became more emaciated, his arms grew a little longer however one was longer than the other

Bendy: now reukra this is the last time I will ask G I V E M E T H E G I R L

Reukra: no

Narrator: bendy‘s body changed once more this time his legs shrank and his arms grew even longer until he was standing with them, all the white in his face had disappeared into a black inky mass and his teeth morphed into sharp points that had ink dripping from them. Alice and boris who were also listening on the conversation started to change as well boris’s entire body grew more bulky to the point where his chest burst with sheer power, his arms grew five times in size and his eyes turned into X’s which gave him a dead blank stare, alice had ink covering her hands and forearms to appear like gloves, her horns were more pointed and her halo dug into her skull, the right side of her face started to melt away revealing the inside of her mouth, the rest of the bendy crew gathered around and suddenly reukra and baby were faced with several blank empty stares

Reukra: run


Narrator: baby and reukra dashed to the stairs with the mob close behind. They made a dash for the exit however bertram threw down one of his arms blocking their path

Bertram: this is my prize MY GLORY

Narrator: baby had her wheels form on the bottom of her feet and rolled away with reukra in her arm before bertram could attack, however norman and sammy blocked their path

Sammy: sheep sheep sheep it’s time for sleep

Narrator: sammy started to swing an ax around rapidly while the projectionist flashed a light from his head reukra began dodging the ax but baby became enamored by the light and began to walk closer to it norman reached out his hand to grab her but reukra kicked him out of the way at the last second while sammy swung his ax missed reukra and accidentally hit norman

Sammy: oh sorry buddy

Narrator: alice grabbed a knife while borris jumped into the air and dive bombed them throwing them to the ground, alice ruched forward and tried to stab reukra, reukra grabbed her arm and pushed her off of him, baby and boris started to fight they punched each other and boris was more powerful and he was about to knock baby out when a flurry of bullets shot him from behind, he fell in front of her unconcious. Reukra was behind the bar and had found a Tommy gun

Reukra: behind here!

Narrator: Baby rushed behind the bar as a wave of searchers and butcher gang members began to chase her. Baby dove behind the counter as reukra began to spray bullets into the crowd until there was nothing left but a pile of ink. Then from behind the stage beast bendy emerged and began to charge at them they jumped out of the way and dashed towards a window. Baby punched right through it and the two of them made a run for it but bendy was close behind. They came across a fire hydrant while running reukra pointed to it and said

Reukra: baby use your claw

Narrator: baby did as told and unscrewed the hydrant and suddenly a powerful burst of water spewed out it hit bendy with powerful force and it tossed bendy to the side he became more fluid and runny and unable to move very much, he was nothing more than a puddle

Bendy: you little fu(gargle) you will rue the day you ever fu(gargle) with bendy the motherfu(gargle) demon you fu(gargle) hear me I will find you and I will kill you

Narrator: he than slithered away back to his club

Reukra: that was close lets get back I have ink all over me

Baby: ugh me too I need a shower big time

(one hour later)

Narrator: a truck pulled in front of the now destroyed nightclub bendy was onstage back in his cartoon form however he was not as smooth as he was before, he was a little lumpier alice was patting his head and giving him kisses

Alice: awww did those mean guy’s turn you into a puddle
Bendy: yes dear

Alice: aww it’s alright don’t you worry little man I will give you something “special” tonight


Narrator: The door to the truck opened and badtime ennard and the empress stepped out

Badtime ennard: hey bendy buddy it’s me, badtime ennard your old pal hey I have a favor to ask of you

Bendy: WHAT!! Can’t you see I am recovering

Badtime ennard: ve just vant to know if you know vere baby und reukra are

Bendy: I know where they have been they came in here trashed my building thrashed me my staff and my wife and ran off that way now get out I have a lot of repairs and injuries to tend to

Badtime ennard: zank you for ze insight ve vill be on our way zanks old buddy

Narrator: And so they drove off to find reukra and baby but the empress had a few questions

Empress: hey how are you so close with bendy anyway

Badtime ennard: vell vhen I vas being kept by villiam me und him vould talk a lot he even taught ma a few songs he und I vere friends back in zose times und ve still are on positive terms today

Empress: even in this whole mess

Badtime ennard: trust me bendy is a mess himself quite literally in fact

Empress: he sure is




Next up

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