4 years ago

the futnimes vs the league of evil chapter 3

Narrator: baby and reukra woke up to a knock on the door, reukra answered it and waiting for him was the little girl from the previous day

Reukra: listen kid I get that you want to play but come on this is excessive

Little girl: that is not what I am here for

Reukra: what, are you selling girl scout cookies or something

Little girl: no

Reukra: then what is it

Little girl: well I don’t really agree with the league of evil and I found this paper on baldi’s desk. If it is of any use to you I mean

Narrator: reukra looked at the paper briefly and took it from the girl

Reukra: thank you

Little girl: your welcome

Reukra: hey may I ask what your name is

Patricia: my name is patricia

Reukra: well patricia thank you for your help this is sure to help us

Patricia: your welcome

Narrator: with that patricia left probably to find something else for them

Reukra: this is great now all we need to do is figure out what this is

Narrator: reukra examined the picture, it appeared to be a blueprint with an image of a large hand with sharp claws, the size that the hand was showing was astounding

Reukra: if william can make something that big, well we might as well give up now. We need more answers so let’s stick with the plan

Baby: right… what plan

Reukra: we are going to see specimen 9
Baby: who’s specimen 9?

Reukra: well you see back in world war 2 the Japanese military was running a few secret experiments one of them was a monster made of clay that they brought to life somehow the monster later escaped… that monster is specimen 9. He was captured a couple of decades ago and is now being kept in a prison for monsters, so he will be easy to talk to since he’s locked up and all

Narrator: reukra and baby got into reukra’s car and drove off. After about an hour or two they made it to a large mansion on top of a hill

Baby: what are we doing here?

Reukra: the prison it’s underneath this mansion all we have to do is--

Narrator: all of a sudden the doors to the mansion flew open and a little girl was hurled out. Shortly after reaching the ground the girl did not even look up before trying to block the door but it was no use the doors flew open once more and a wave of monsters dashed out of the door. The last one out was a tall humanoid figure, it was red with it’s features seemingly carved in, it was hovering off the ground with a blank expression on its face

Specimen 9: comrades we are now free of our shackles, we are now free of our cages, we are FREE now let us head to the league of evil’s base where we are promised safety and refuge from those who oppose us

Narrator: a that moment all the monsters ran off in the direction of the league of evil. Reukra walked towards the little girl and helped her up

Reukra: spooky what happened?

Spooky: they took the guards from behind… and overpowered the rest, I tried to stop them I really did but it was too much for me

Reukra: did specimen 9 say anything about a secret plan

Spooky: no but he was sent this from an unknown source

Narrator: it was another blueprint this one showed what seemed to be an upper chest area, the most distinguishable feature of it was the symbol on its chest it was the letter E in a circle with a line through it

Reukra: what could this mean what begins with E that william would want to get rid of

Baby: the empress

Reukra: of course! That makes since the empress is by far the most powerful funtime and the biggest threat to william so it makes sense that he would want to make something to get rid of her

Spooky: well you have fun with that as far as I’m concerned I am out of a job. Ugh might as well see what my boyfriend is up to.I swear it seems like he is always with his two magician buddies.

Reukra: yea you go do that

Narrator: once they got home reukra crossed out specimen 9’s picture on the whiteboard.

Reukra: okay next is greevil, william’s scientist he is the guy who makes these things so he is bound to have some answers

Baby: how do you know he will talk

Reukra: well you may need to put your strength to use if you know what I mean

Baby: oh...okay

Reukra: good

Narrator: while baby and reukra were planning their next move chara and badtime ballora were getting worried

Badtime ballora: it has been a few days now and we have heard nothing from anyone do you think that something has gone wrong

Chara: hard to say but when dealing with situations like this you should always assume the worst

Badtime ballora: we must go and find them

Chara: well that does not seem to be working

Badtime ballora: how about I fly around and look for them with you on my back, for safety purposes

Chara: hmmm that is actually not a bad idea let's go

Narrator: and so they flew off badtime ballora was a little uneven with her wings having a few holes in them but chara helped them stay on course. They eventually found the hotel that the funtimes were staying at, they were on the top floor in a expensive room, the balcony was open so chara and badtime ballora flew right in through there.

Chara: what are you all doing here, and why haven't you called us

Empress: well we did not have anything to report so

Chara: what about ennard and ballora

Empress: we haven't seen them

Chara: then where could they be

Narrator: all of a sudden the balcony automatically closed behind them and the door to the room locked, alarms started blaring and a voice was heard on the intercom

Intercom: dear guests we apologize for the inconvenience but we have received word that the illegal funtimes have found their way into the building and thus it is on lock down until proper authorities arrive

Chara: ah crap

Batime bart: well laddies it's been a good one but it appears I must take me final swig

Empress: not if I have anything to say about it

Narrator: the empress charged through the glass balcony door and jumped off of the side she landed at the bottom but the league of evil was down their waiting for her, once she hit the bottom they sprayed her down with cement until she was unable to move

William: hehehe I knew this would work and you guys doubted my leadership

Grevil: well sir it was completely untested and the empress has been shown to have remarkable strength

William: yes well if you get rid of her mobility and cover her mouth she is pretty much useless, her mouth is covered right

Grevil: yes it is covered

William: good, bendy specimen 9 move in

Narrator: bendy went into the hotel and climbed the stairs with a large hoard of searchers following him while specimen 9 flew onto the roof and waited. Bendy went to the top floor and found the funtimes room. He burst open the door and the searchers grabbed as many of them as possible. Badtime baby and badtime ennard were able to rush past them and badtime ballora flew out of the balcony. However once badtime ballora flew out specimen 9 sprang of of the roof and grabbed badtime ballora's wings sending them plummeting down, just as they were about to hit the ground specimen 9 pulled up and tossed badtime ballora into an open cage. In the hotel room chara was fighting off a group of searchers with a knife, but eventually the searchers overpowered him/her and carried him/her off along with all of the remaining funtimes. Badtime baby and badtime ennard rushed into the lobby hoping to escape badtime baby rushed forward and rammed through the closed doors. However william greevil specimen 9 and baldi were waiting for them at the bottom. Greevil pulled out a taser gun and electrocuted badtime baby into submission while specimen 9 and baldi were trying to get past badtime ennard’s many tentacles. Baldi was hitting him on his joints with his ruler to try and get him off balance while specimen 9 was throwing blasts of energy to weaken him, soon badtime ennard fell and william rushed in and tied his tentacles together rendering him motionless

William: great work boy’s great work bendy how are your searchers doing

Bendy: just fantastic sir they have rounded up not only the remaining funtimes but chara as well

William: chara is here? Well that is mighty convenient. I have a few things I need to say to him...her oh whatever it is

Narrator: william then walked up to the manager and handed him few wads of cash

William: for any damages they may have caused

Manager: and

William: pardon

Manager: I put the building on lock down which lead to the funtimes being captured so where's my reward money

William: well you did not catch them per say but you do deserve something… tell you what I will give you half which there were 10 funtimes so that would be $500,000

Narrator: william wrote a check for $500,000 and handed it to him

William: good day

Narrator: the funtimes and chara were loaded up into the back of a truck and carried off william was with them for he had a few things he wanted to say

William: so how does it feel chara knowing that this is all your fault

Chara: you know I don’t think I know what you mean by “my fault”

William: I paid for them to be made but you refused to make them they way I asked

Chara: the designs were too complex, the sizes were too big, and they would not have been controllable with the technology I had at the time

William: which I am fine with, what I am not fine with is you refusing to give the funtimes to me and running of when we had a deal

Chara: If I let you take them you would have abused them to death and you know it! Unlike you I actually care about my children

William: I cared about my son it was circumstance that made me let him go

Chara: maybe it was but there was nothing stopping you from going back

William: I would watch your tone if I were you, anyway it is time to count our quarry

Bendy: well it looks like we have all of them

William: not all of them

Bendy: really who are we missing?

William: baby, the funtime version

Bendy: oh… wait we didn't get her yet?

William: no... but we will, anyway I need to make a call


King dice: yes

William: how is the extraction going

King dice: slow but it’s happening, you got my money right
William: yes if course I do

King dice: good, so how did the raid go

William: swimmingly, better than we could have ever imagined

King dice: alright I gotta go see ya when you get here

(hangs up)

Narrator: king dice was facing a machine, molten ballora was strapped to the opposite side to it while it was suctioning air through it at a rapid pace, occasionally one of ennard's wires would fly off into the machine but the progress was slow

King dice: that wiry one is quite persistent well we’ll see in a few hours how persistent he can be. But first I need to make a call


Reukra: yes

King dice: hello old friend, I just wanted to tell you that there are no hard feelings for what you did in fact how about we spend a night at my casino, my treat

Reukra: really… um I’ll think about it

King dice: oh it would be a pleasure to have you



Next up

So in my original spy post (link here https://gamejolt.com/p/alright-time-for-the-next-part-if-my-nerf…) I mentioned that I made a specific video for the loose launcher and here it is. Let me know if you want one for LA roulette

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so idecided to remake my nerf TF2 showcase. i decided i'm going to do the classes in order this time so we're starting with the scout

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So people have been sharing this around

My thoughts

I do as the picture guides