7 months ago

The Gabriel's Awesome SchoolHouse development will be on a long and necessary hiatus right now.

I know you guys are excited for the full version of Gabriel's Awesome SchoolHouse to release and also excited to see some new teasers. Well I'm sorry to say this, but the Mod will be on hiatus because me and Dave couldn't work on it a lot lately, due to exams at school and other important stuff. We must focus more in our personal lifes right now. So we unfortunately have to stop the GASH development until we manage to finish all the important stuff that we're currently doing right now. Don't worry though, the Mod is not cancelled.

I hope you people can all understand this and we promise we will let you all know when we get back at working on the Mod.

For now... Wish us luck and wish us for the best.



Next up

(Repost because my dumb brain forgot to upload the image) (SCRAPPED)

Today the first Gabriel's Awesome SchoolHouse Demo version has turned 1 year! Thank you guys so much for enjoying and supporting both the demo and full release verions of our mod! It really means a lot to us.

Billie Eilish looks so fucking hilarious I CAN'T.


Baldi's Basics In CHAOS

made by:

@Nick_CornWall and @TheTopHattedStickman

I might start posting some arts I make in here.

Help Wanted!!

VilleTown is currently looking for coders, voice actors, and musicians! So if you are somewhat skilled at any of those, please leave a comment, or DM me on discord! (ckd4925_)

the image is more descriptive than this, so please read it!

Wow, achievements how cool (Icons by Zer0) (SCRAPPED)

No context.

Damn this is so true lollll

Finally got some new pfp here