Five Nights At F**kboy's:Temporary Truce Of BB And Freddy
1 year ago

the game is cancelled.

Hi,Melted Box Here

These past 4 months i've worked on two other games

My collection Poker Night and Frosties' Holiday Smash

while i had some trouble with both

working on them made me realize how unhappy i was working on TOBBAF,

for TOBBAF i spent countless hours scrapping skills,items and story beats

a lot of the development was rewriting and redoing ideas,i never had a good grasp on what i wanted to do with the game

i got so fed up with it,i said fuck it and realsed the demo you know

i am not proud of it and i don't like what i made

the game has potential but i don't want to work on it anymore

it makes me feel miserable

Makeing games is one of hobbies,i love makeing them

i would like to have happy memories rather than sad ones

some things aren't meant to happen

i hope you understand,i know this may be upsetting especially if you waited for a update but i can't work on something that brings me no joy



Next up

Thank you so much for 500 views and 100 downloads! Here's a little tease for future content

Devlog+showcasing new title screen

100% real trust me

I made a fanmade extension to @baahysbnbn fnafb bingo tower the anti tower having rarely seen/uncommon tropes

MCPN Ver 1.4.9-Quick Fix + thanks for 150 downloads!

Man this videos about fnafb and omori being related keep poping out,wierd huh?

Ver 1.4 Close to Realse!

Update on Fnafbee's realese date!

Thank you for 100 downloads!

it means a lot to me

thank you for 500 views and 50+ downloads!

FHS is my second favorite game i made,i'm glad i made the final mix for it (: