Five Nights at Illuminy's: Memories Resurface
7 months ago

The game is currently paused.

yes, exactly like that.

I recently started attending an art academy because in the future I intend to become a director and/or screenwriter, in short I want my future to be in the world of cinema.

However, these ambitions of mine come at a price, in fact I can no longer afford to work full time on FNaI:MR like I used to.

Actually, I much prefer to dedicate myself to studies than to this game.

With this I absolutely don't mean that I will delete the game (at least for now) but that it will instead be incredibly slowed down by my new pace of life.

I care a lot about this game, but I care much more about my future.

On the other hand, I can give you some good news:

Tomorrow I will publish the trailer of FNaI:MR.

(funny little story: I prepared this trailer in advance specifically to enter the art academy, so it's thanks to FNaI that I can study here today lmao)

I also want to tell you one last thing, which is that I thank you enormously for the umpteenth time for all your support, in particular I thank my friends who have always been able to help me with this game and even in my dark moments.

Know that if in the future I have an important role in cinema it will also be thanks to you.

I hope to update you soon, so see you in the future!



Next up

02/02/2024, day 5 Young Man with Robotic Arm

Mark Clark

Gluttony & Pride...... .


29/01/2024, day 1 Triangle of Light



After some time I managed to finish this 3D model of Illuminy and damn it turned out good (it may not have turned out exactly like the original since I wanted to put in a bit of my own but in the end this one came out).

Is it already the Fifth Anniversary of FNaI 1?

01/02/2024, day 4

Old Triangle of Light

Withered Illuminy


FNaI x Touhou is real