Finally the game demo is uploaded, it's a .rar with the installer inside so it's easy to do.
I will only be correcting problems like serious bugs that do not allow to advance or freeze the game, remember that this is a Demo of all the work I did so there are missing things like side quests, accessories and enemies on the map as well as balancing.
An apology for those who speak English, all this game is in Spanish and it was not going to be possible to translate everything without help.
Finalmente está subida la demo del juego, es un .rar con el instalador dentro asi que es facil de hacer.
Solo estaré corrigiendo problemas como bugs grave que no permitan avanzar o congelen el juego, recuerden que esto es una Demo de todo el trabajo que hice asi que faltan cosas como misiones secundarias, accesorios y enemigos en el mapa asi como balanceo.