UnderTerror Toxin Fight Remake
2 years ago

the game is suffering from an event called "settings reset" by the au owner


so no updates until the new settings arrive

(also this official remake now??? wha????)



Next up

tech demo 2 coming soon...

today's progress is good(as known as copying attacks from the original game and just make 2 changes and call it a game, very bad. attack design still suck.)

some various UTY fanart! i'm using my fan redesigns i made a while back. (please don't be so harsh on dalv...) love u UTY!!!

I don't understand why people say this is hard

Took me around an hour (Total of 2-3 if counting the streams before)

He's animated now

90+ Rating is possible to achieve humanly


good game maker

Soup'd Up - DR: Chapter Rewritten

No Hit Freedom Dive div 1 When